(), n. pl.[OE. tidinge, tiinge, tidinde, from or influenced by Icel. tindi; akin to Dan. tidende, Sw. tidning, G. zeung, AS. tdan to happen, E. betide, tide. See Tide, v. i. & n.] Account of what has taken place, and was not before known; news. I shall make my master glad with these tidings. Shak. Full well the busy whisper, circling round, Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned. Goldsmith. Although tidings is plural in form, it has been used also as a singular. By Shakespeare it was used indiscriminately as a singular or plural. Now near the tidings of our comfort is. Shak. Tidings to the contrary Are brought your eyes. Shak. Syn. -- News; advice; information; intelligence. -- Tidings, News. The term news denotes recent intelligence from any quarter; the term tidings denotes intelligence expected from a particular quarter, showing what has there betided. We may be indifferent as to news, but are always more or less interested in tidings. We read the スポンサード リンク