(), n.[For older tinct, fr. L. tinctus, p. p. of tingere to dye: cf. F. teinte, teint, It. tinta, tinto. See Tinge, and cf. Taint to stain, a stain, Tent a kind of wine, Tinto.] A slight coloring. Specifically: -- (a) A pale or faint tinge of any color. Or blend in beauteous tints the colored mass. Pope. Their vigor sickens, and their tints decline. Harte. (b) A color considered with reference to other very similar colors; as, red and blue are different colors, but two shades of scarlet are different tints. (c) (Engraving) A shaded effect produced by the juxtaposition of many fine parallel lines. Tint tool (Eng.), a species of graver used for cutting the parallel lines which produce tints in engraving. Tint v. t.[imp. & p. p.Tinted; p. pr. & vb. n.Tinting.] To give a slight coloring to; to tinge. スポンサード リンク