(hwt), n.[OE. whete, AS. hwte; akin to OS. hwti, D. weit, G. weizen, OHG. weizzi, Icel. hveiti, Sw. hvete, Dan. hvede, Goth. hwaiteis, and E. white. See White.] (Bot.) A cereal grass (Triticum vulgare) and its grain, which furnishes a white flour for bread, and, next to rice, is the grain most largely used by the human race. Of this grain the varieties are numerous, as red wheat, white wheat, bald wheat, bearded wheat, winter wheat, summer wheat, and the like. Wheat is not known to exist as a wild native plant, and all statements as to its origin are either incorrect or at best only guesses. Buck wheat. (Bot.) See Buckwheat. German wheat. (Bot.) See 2d Spelt. Guinea wheat (Bot.), a name for Indian corn. Indian wheat, or Tartary wheat (Bot.), a grain (Fagopyrum Tartaricum) much like buckwheat, but only half as large. Turkey wheat (Bot.), a name for Indian corn. Wheat aphid, or Wheat aphis (Zol.), any one of several species of Aphis and allied genera, which suck the sa スポンサード リンク