(hr), n.[OE. hore, AS. hre; akin to D. hoer, hoere, G. hure, OHG. huora, huorra, Icel. hra, Dan. hore, Sw. hora, Goth. hrs an adulterer, AS. hr adultery, OHG. huor, and probably to L. carus dear. Cf. Charity.] A woman who practices unlawful sexual commerce with men, especially one who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Wyclif. Syn. -- Harlot; courtesan; prostitute; strumpet. Whore v. i.[imp. & p. p.Whored (); p. pr. & vb. n.Whoring.] [Cf. Icel. hra. See Whore, n.] 1. To have unlawful sexual intercourse; to practice lewdness. 2. (Script.) To worship false and impure gods. Whore v. t.To corrupt by lewd intercourse; to make a whore of; to debauch. [R.] Congreve. スポンサード リンク