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アンドリュー・ゴールドソン : ウィキペディア日本語版
アンドリュー・ゴールドソン(Andrew Gouldson)は、リーズ大学地球環境学部教授であり、リーズ大学のSustainability Research Instituteのディレクターである。ゴールドソンは、企業と環境に関する政策研究の英国における第一人者であり、この分野において非常に多くの論文や著作がある。またこの分野の研究に関しては英国が一番進んでいることから、彼の研究は企業と環境の政策において、世界的に多くの影響を与えている。
ゴールドソンは、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス(LSE)地理・環境学部でPhDを取得しており、リーズ大学地球環境学部教授に就任する以前は、LSEの地理・環境学部で講師をつとめていた。また、企業と環境に関する政策研究が最も世界的に進んでいるとされている、LSEとミシガン大学がもつアルコア・リサーチプログラムのLSEにおける次長も務め、さらに企業と環境に関する研究のアジアにおける中心である香港大学の客員教授も務めている。またゴールドソンは、王立地理学会フェロー、European Environmentのエディターでもある。

*Gouldson, A.P.; Sullivan, R. (2007) Corporate Environmentalism: Tracing the Links between Policies and Performance Using Corporate Reports and Public Registers, Business Strategy and the Environment, 16, pp.1-11. doi:10.1002/bse.543
*Gouldson, A.P.; Bebbington, J. (2007) Corporations and the governance of environmental risk, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25, pp.4-20. doi:10.1068/c0614j
*Gouldson, A.P.; Hills P.; Welford R. (Accepted for publication) Ecological Modernisation and Policy Learning in Hong Kong, Geoforum, .
*Gouldson, A.P.; Sullivan, R. (2007) Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers: Examining the Value of Government-led Reporting on Corporate Environmental Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 14, pp.263-273. doi:10.1002/csr.148
*Gouldson, A.P.; Lidskog, R.; Wester-Herber, M. (2007) The battle for hearts and minds? Evolutions in corporate approaches to environmental risk communication, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 25, pp.5672. doi:10.1068/c0617j
*Gouldson, A.P. (2006) Do firms adopt lower standards in poorer areas? Corporate social responsibility and environmental justice in the EU and the US, Area, 38, pp.402-412. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4762.2006.00702.x
*Gouldson, A.P. (2005) Regulatory Styles and the Evolving Influence of Environmental Regulations in the UK, In: Ketola, T. (ed), Environmental Economy (Ympristekonomia), Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku. .
*Gouldson, A.P. (2005) Voluntary Environmental Regulation and the Imperatives, Incentives and Capacities for Technological Change: The case of the EU Eco-Audit Regulation (EMAS) in the UK, In: Norbert-Bohm, V. and de Bruijn, T. (ed), Industrial Transformation: Environmental Policy Innovation in the United States and Europe, MIT Press, Boston .
*Gouldson, A.P. (2004) Cooperation and the capacity for control: regulatory styles and the evolving influence of environmental regulations in the UK, Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy, 22, pp.583-603.
*Gouldson, A.P. (2004) Risk, Regulation and the Right to Know: Exploring the impacts of access to information on the governance of environmental risks in the UK, Sustainable Development, 12, pp.136-149. doi:10.1002/sd.237
*Gouldson, A.P. (2003) EU Policy and the Development of Renewable Energy Technologies, In: Douthwaite, R. (ed), Ireland's Transition to Renewable Energy, Feasta / Green Books .
*Berkhout, F.; Gouldson, A.P. (2003) Shaping, Modulating, Adapting: Perspectives on technology, environment and policy, In: Berkhout, F., Leach, M. and Scoones, I. (ed), Negotiating Environmental Change: Advances in environmental social science, Edward Elgar .
*Bailey, P.; Gouldson, A.P.; Haq, G. (2002) Mind the Gap! Comparing ex-ante and ex-post assessments of the costs of complying with environmental regulation, European Environment, 12, pp.245-256. doi:10.1002/eet.303
*Murphy, J.; Gouldson, A.P. (2000) Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation: Integrating environment and economy through ecological modernisation, Geoforum, 31, pp.33-44.
*Gouldson A.P.; Murphy, J. (1998) Regulatory Realities: The Implementation and Impact of Industrial Environmental Regulation, , James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd 0-224p.
*Gouldson, A.P.; Murphy, J. (1997) Ecological Modernisation: Economic Restructuring and the Environment, The Political Quarterly, 68, pp.74-86.

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