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サンダー・ギルマン : ウィキペディア日本語版

サンダー・ギルマン(Sander L. Gilman、1944年-)は、アメリカの歴史学者医学史、ユダヤ文化史が専門。

*''The parodic sermon in European perspective: aspects of liturgical parody from the Middle ages to the twentieth century'', Steiner, 1974.
*''Nietzschean parody: an introduction to reading Nietzsche'', Bouvier, 1976.
:『ニーチェとパロディ』、富山太佳夫永富久美訳、青土社, 1997
*''Difference and pathology: stereotypes of sexuality, race, and madness'', Cornell University Press, 1985.
*''Jewish self-hatred: anti-Semitism and the hidden language of the Jews'', Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
*''Disease and representation: images of illness from madness to AIDS'', Cornell University Press, 1988.
:『病気と表象――狂気からエイズにいたる病のイメージ』、本橋哲也訳、ありな書房, 1996
*''Sexuality: an illustrated history'', Wiley, 1989.
:『「性」の表象』、大瀧啓裕訳、青土社, 1997
*''The Jew's body'', Routledge, 1991.
:『ユダヤ人の身体』、管啓次郎訳、青土社, 1997
*''Inscribing the other'', University of Nebraska Press, 1991.
*''Freud, race, and gender'', Princeton University Press, 1993.
:『フロイト・人種・ジェンダー』、鈴木淑美訳、青土社, 1997
*''The case of Sigmund Freud: medicine and identity at the fin de siècle'', Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
*''Picturing health and illness: images of identity and difference'', Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
*''Health and illness: images of difference'', Reaktion Books, 1995.
:『健康と病――差異のイメージ』、高山宏訳、ありな書房, 1996
*''Franz Kafka, the Jewish patient'', Routledge, 1995.
*''Smart Jews: the construction of the image of Jewish superior intelligence'', University of Nebraska Press, 1996.
:『「頭の良いユダヤ人」はいかにつくられたか』、佐川和茂佐川愛子訳、三交社, 2000
*''Seeing the insane'', University of Nebraska Press, 1996.
*''Love+marriage=death: and other essays on representing difference'', Stanford University Press, 1998.
*''Creating beauty to cure the soul: race and psychology in the shaping of aesthetic surgery'', Duke University Press, 1998.
*''Making the body beautiful: a cultural history of aesthetic surgery'', Princeton University Press, 1999.
*''The fortunes of the humanities: thoughts for after the year 2000'', Stanford University Press, 2000.
*''Jurek Becker: a life in five worlds'', University of Chicago Press, 2003.
*''Fat boys: a slim book'', University of Nebraska Press, 2004.
*''Frantz Kafka'', Reaktion, 2005.
*''Multiculturalism and the Jews'', Routledge, 2006.
*''Diets and dieting: a cultural encyclopedia'', Routledge, 2008.
*''Fat: a cultural history of obesity'', Polity, 2008.

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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