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ピンクマルティーニ : ウィキペディア日本語版

ピンク・マルティーニ(Pink Martini)は、アメリカ合衆国ジャズアンサンブル
1994年オレゴン州ポートランドで、ピアノ担当のトーマス・ローダーデールを中心に結成された(当時はクインテット)。1997年に女性ボーカルのチャイナ・フォーブスが正式加入。そして12人編成となった〔BIOGRAPHY ピンク・マルティーニ - UNIVERSAL MUSIC JAPAN 〕(遅くとも2010年の時点では13人編成になっていた〔特集:特別対談 ピンク・マティーニ×由紀さおり - CDJournal.com CDJ PUSH 〕)。
== ディスコグラフィ ==

*『サンパティーク』 - Sympathique(1997、Wrasse Records)
# ''Amado Mio''
# ''No Hay Problema''
# ''Sympathique''
# ''Qué Será Será''
# ''La Soledad''
# ''¿Donde Estas, Yolanda?''
# ''Andalucía''
# ''Song of the Black Lizard''
# ''Children of Piraeus'' (D'après la musique du film : ''Never on Sunday'')
# ''Brazil''
# ''Lullaby''
*『ハング・オン・リトル・トマト』 - Hang on Little Tomato(2004、Wrasse Records)
# ''Let's Never Stop Falling in Love''
# ''Anna (El Negro Zumbon)''
# '' Hang on Little Tomato''
# '' The Gardens of Sampson & Beasley ''
# '' Veronique''
# ''Dansez-vous''
# ''Lilly''
# ''Autrefois''
# ''U Plavu Zoru''
# ''Clementine''
# ''Una Notte a Napoli''
# ''菊千代と申します - Kikuchiyo to Mohshimasu ''
# ''Aspettami''
# ''Song of the Black Swan''
*『ヘイ・ユジーン』 - Hey Eugene!(2007、Wrasse Records)
# ''Everywhere ''
# ''Tempo Perdido''
# ''Mar Desconcido''
# ''Taya Tan''
# ''City of Night''
# ''Ojala''
# ''Bukra Wba'do''
# ''Cante E Dance''
# ''Hey Eugene''
# ''Syracuse''
# ''Dosvedanya Mio Bombino''
# ''Tea For Two''
*『草原の輝き』- Splendor in the Grass (2009、Heinz Records)
# ''Ninna Nanna''
# ''Ohayoo Ohio''
# ''Splendor in the Grass''
# ''Où est ma tête ?''
# ''And Then You're Gone''
# ''But Now I'm Back''
# ''Sunday Table''
# ''Over the Valley''
# ''Tuca Tuca''
# ''Bitty Boppy Betty''
# ''Sing''
# ''Piensa en mi''
# ''New Amsterdam''
# ''Ninna Nanna (Reprise)''
*『Joy to the World』〔Joy To The World 723721506452 - Pinki Martini Store 〕 (2010、Heinz Records)
# ''White Christmas''
# ''White Christmas (part II)''
# ''Shchedryk (Carol of the Bells)''
# ''Santa Baby''
# ''Elohai''
# ''Little Drummer Boy''
# ''Happy New Year''
# ''Do You Hear What I Hear?''
# ''La vergine degli angeli''
# ''We Three Kings''
# ''Snowglobe Christmas''
# ''Ocho Kandelikas''
# ''Silent Night''
# ''Auld Lang Syne''
*『1969』 (「ピンク・マルティーニ&由紀さおり」名義) (2011、Heinz Records)
# ''夕月 - Yuuzuki (Evening Moon)''
# ''真夜中のボサ・ノバ - Mayonaka no Bossa Nova (Midnight Bossa Nova)''
# ''さらば夏の日 - Du soleil plein les yeux (Eyes Full Of Sun)''
# ''パフ - Puff, The Magic Dragon''
# ''いいじゃないの幸せならば - Ii janaino Shiawase naraba (It’s Okay If I’m Happy)''
# ''ブルー・ライト・ヨコハマ - Blue Light Yokohama''
# ''夜明けのスキャット - Yoake no Scat (Melody For A New Dawn)''
# ''マシュ・ケ・ナダ - Mas Que Nada''
# ''イズ・ザット・オール・ゼア・イズ? - Is That All There Is?''
# ''私もあなたと泣いていい? - Watashi mo Anata to Naite Ii? (Consolation)''
# ''わすれたいのに - Wasuretainoni (I Want To Forget You, But...)''
# ''季節の足音 - Kisetsu no Ashioto (Footsteps Of The Seasons)''

*『A Retrospective』 (2011、Heinz Records)
# ''Una Notte A Napoli (First Recording)''
# ''Hang on little tomato''
# ''¿Donde Estas Yolanda? (China Forbes Vocal version)''
# ''Hey Eugene!''
# ''La soledad''
# ''Splendor in the Grass''
# ''菊千代と申します - Kikuchiyo To Mohshimasu (The Hiroshi Wada Mix)''
# ''Anna (el negro zumbon)''
# ''Ma Solitude (feat. Georges Moustaki)''
# ''Mas Que Nada (feat. Saori Yuki)''
# ''Sympathique''
# ''Lilly''
# ''How Long Will It Last? (feat. Michael Feinstein)''
# ''Tuca Tuca''
# ''Qué sera sera''
# ''Moon River (feat. Gus Van Sant)''
# ''Amado mio''
# ''The Man With The Big Sombrero''
# ''Aspettami (First Recording)''
# ''Una Notte A Napoli (DJ Johnny Dynell Remix)''
*『Get Happy』 (2013, Heinz Records)
# ''Ich dich liebe (featuring China Forbes)''
# ''Quizás, Quizás, Quizás (featuring Storm Large)''
# ''ズンドコ節 - Zundoko-Bushi (featuring Timothy Nishimoto)''
# ''Je ne t'aime plus (featuring China Forbes and Philippe Katerine)''
# ''Yo te quiero siempre (featuring Ari Shapiro)''
# ''I'm Waiting for You (featuring Meow Meow)''
# ''Omide zendegani (featuring Storm Large)''
# ''Üsküdar'a Gider İken (traditional) (featuring China Forbes)''
# ''Până când nu te iubeam (traditional) (featuring Storm Large)''
# ''She Was Too Good to Me (featuring Robert Taylor)''
# ''Sway (featuring Storm Large)''
# ''Kitty Come Home (featuring Rufus Wainwright with the von Trapps)''
# ''Get Happy/Happy Days (featurng China Forbes and Rufus Wainwright)''
# ''What'll I Do? (featuring China Forbes)''
# ''Heliotrope Bouquet (instrumental)''
# ''Smile (featuring Phyllis Diller)''
*『Dream a Little Dream』 (2014, Heinz Records)
# ''Storm''
# ''黒猫のタンゴ - Kuroneko no tango''
# ''Dream a Little Dream''
# ''Fernando''
# ''Hayaldah hachi yafah bagan (The Prettiest Girl in the Kindergarten)''
# ''Friend''
# ''Die Dorfmusik (The Village Music)''
# ''In stiller Nacht (In the Still of the Night)''
# ''Le premier bonheur du jour (The first happiness of the day)''
# ''Rwanda nziza''
# ''Gong Xi''
# ''Hushabye Mountain''
# ''The Lonely Goatherd'' (ウェイン・ニュートンとJack Hanna参加)
# ''Edelweiss (featuring Charmian Carr)''
# ''Thunder'' (チーフタンズ参加)

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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