local URIutil = ; -- local factory = function ( attempt, allowX ) -- Retrieve plain digits of attempt -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string; with digits (+xX) and hyphens, not trimmed -- allowX -- number; of (last) position for permitted xX -- boolean; xX at last position permitted -- Postcondition: -- Returns table; success -- .../... -- digits 0...9 -- 10 at last position -- .hyphens -- number of hyphens -- .type -- number of digits -- number; no string or bad length or data -- 0 -- no string -- >0 -- unexpected char at position (trimmed) local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then local c, i; local j = 0; local k = 1; local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); local n = mw.ustring.len( s ); r = ; for i = 1, n do c = mw.ustring.codepoint( s, i, i + 1 ); if c >= 48 and c <= 57 then j = j + 1; rj = c - 48; k = false; elseif c == 45 then -- hyphen if i > 1 and i < n then r.hyphens = r.hyphens + 1; k = i; else r = j; break; end elseif c == 88 or c == 120 then -- X x j = j + 1; if allowX and i == n then if allowX == true or allowX == j then rj = 10; else r = j; end else r = j; end break; else r = j; break; end end -- for i if type( r ) == "table" then r.type = j; end else r = 0; end return r; end -- factory() local faculty = function ( ask, auto ) -- Evaluate possible string as boolean signal, if brief -- Precondition: -- ask -- trimmed string or nil or other -- auto -- fallback value if nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns appropriate value, or ask local r; if type( ask ) == "string" then if ask == "1" or ask == "" then r = true; elseif ask == "0" or ask == "-" then r = false; else r = ask; end elseif ask == nil then r = auto; else r = ask; end return r; end -- faculty() local fair = function ( assert ) -- Compute check digit (11 minus modulo 11) for descending factor -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; as of factory() -- .type -- number of digits including check digit -- Postcondition: -- Returns checksum local i; local n = assert.type; local k = n; local r = 0; for i = 1, n - 1 do r = r + k * asserti ; k = k - 1; end -- for i return ( 11 - r % 11 ); end -- fair() local function fault( alert ) -- Format error message by class=error -- Parameter: -- alert -- string, error message -- Returns: -- string, HTML span return string.format( "%s", alert ); end -- fault() local fetch = function ( acquire ) -- Load data submodule -- Precondition: -- acquire -- string, one of -- "config" -- "isbn" -- "urn" -- Postcondition: -- Returns any table local r; if URIutil.data then r = URIutil.dataacquire ; else URIutil.data = ; end if not r then local lucky; lucky, r = pcall( mw.loadData, "Module:URIutil/" .. acquire ); if type( r ) ~= "table" then r = ; end URIutil.dataacquire = r; end return r; end -- fetch() local flop = function ( alert ) -- Create link to (maintenance) category -- Precondition: -- alert -- trimmed string with title, not empty, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link, or false local r; if type( alert ) == "string" and alert ~= "" then r = string.format( "", alert ); end return r; end -- flop() local format = function ( assigned, ahead, amount ) -- Convert part of digit sequence into string -- Precondition: -- assigned -- table; as of factory() -- ahead -- index of first digit -- amount -- number of digits to append -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with digits and hyphens local i, k; local r = ""; for i = ahead, ahead + amount - 1 do k = assignedi ; if k == 10 then r = r .. "X"; else r = r .. tostring( k ); end end -- for i return r; end -- format() local DNBfaith = function ( assert, ancestor ) -- Compute DNB (also GND, ZDB) check digit and verify -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; as of factory() -- .type -- until 11 including check digit -- ancestor -- true: 2011 mode -- Postcondition: -- Returns true: check digit matches -- 2013-09-01 local k = fair( assert ) % 11; if ancestor then k = 11 - k; end return ( k == assertassert.type ); end -- DNBfaith() local GTINfair = function ( assert ) -- Compute GTIN check digit -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; ~ 13 digits -- .type -- 13 ... -- Postcondition: -- Returns number 0...9 local i, k; local lead = true; local r = 0; for i = 1, assert.type - 1 do k = asserti ; r = r + k; if lead then -- odd lead = false; else -- even r = r + k + k; lead = true; end end -- for i r = (10 - r % 10) % 10; return r; end -- GTINfair() local GTINfaith = function ( assert ) -- Compute GTIN check digit and verify -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; ~ 13 digits -- .type -- 13 ... -- Postcondition: -- Returns true: check digit matches return ( GTINfair( assert ) == assertassert.type ); end -- GTINfaith() local ISBNfactory = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve plain digits of ISBN attempt -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with digits (+xX) and hyphens, not trimmed -- Postcondition: -- Returns table; success -- ... -- digits 0...9 -- 10 at ISBN-10 last position -- .type -- 10 or 13 -- .hyphens -- 0... number of hyphens -- number; no string or bad length or data -- 0 -- no string -- >0 -- unexpected char at position (trimmed) -- -1 -- bad digit count -- -2 -- bad bookland local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then r = factory( attempt, 10 ); if type( r ) == "table" then if r.type == 13 then if r ~= 9 or r ~= 7 or r < 8 then r = -2; end elseif r.type ~= 10 then r = -1; end end else r = 0; end return r; end -- ISBNfactory() local ISBNfaith = function ( assert ) -- Compute ISBN check digit and verify -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; as of ISBNfactory() -- .type -- 10 or 13 -- Postcondition: -- Returns true: check digit matches local r; if assert.type == 10 then local i; local k = 0; for i = 1, 9 do k = k + i * asserti ; end -- for i k = k % 11; r = ( k == assert10 ); elseif assert.type == 13 then r = GTINfaith( assert ); else r = false; end return r; end -- ISBNfaith() local ISBNflat = function ( assigned ) -- Plain digits of attempt ISBN -- Precondition: -- assigned -- table; as of ISBNfactory() -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with digits; ISBN-10 with 'X' at last position local i; local r = ""; local n = assigned.type; if n == 10 then if assignedassigned.type == 10 then n = 9; end end for i = 1, n do r = r .. tostring( assignedi ); end -- for i if n == 9 then r = r .. "X"; end return r; end -- ISBNflat() local ISBNfold = function ( assigned, apply, allocate, already ) -- Retrieve number of digits for ISBN publisher/group -- Precondition: -- assigned -- table; as of ISBNfactory() -- apply -- number; of bookland (978 or 979) -- allocate -- number; of country -- already -- number; position in assigned to inspect -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of digits, at least 0 local r = 0; local def = fetch( "isbn" ); local bookland = defapply ; if type( bookland ) == "table" then local country = booklandallocate ; if type( country ) == "table" then local e, i, j, k, m, v; for i = 1, 4 do v = countryi ; if type( v ) == "table" then m = tonumber( format( assigned, already, i ) ); for k, e in pairs( v ) do if m >= e1 and m <= e2 then r = e3 ; break; -- for k end end -- for k end if r > 0 then break; -- for i end end -- for i end end return r; end -- ISBNfold() local ISBNformat = function ( attempt, assigned ) -- Hyphen formatting; at least try minimum -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- assigned -- table; as of ISBNfactory() -- .type -- 10 or 13 -- .hyphens -- 0...4 -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with digits and hyphens local r = false; local j, k, m, n; if assigned.type == 10 then m = 978; r = ""; j = 1; else m = 970 + assigned3 ; r = tostring( m ) .. "-"; j = 4; end if assignedj < 8 then k = 1; else k = 2; if assignedj + 1 > 4 then k = 3; if assignedj + 1 > 8 then k = 4; if assignedj + 2 > 8 then k = false; -- invalid end end end end if k then n = format( assigned, j, k ); r = string.format( "%s%s-", r, n ); j = j + k; n = ISBNfold( assigned, m, tonumber( n ), j ); if n > 0 then r = string.format( "%s%s-", r, format( assigned, j, n ) ); j = j + n; end end r = r .. format( assigned, j, assigned.type - j ); if assignedassigned.type == 10 then r = r .. "-X"; else r = string.format( "%s-%s", r, tostring( assignedassigned.type ) ); end if not r then r = mw.ustring.upper( mw.text.trim( attempt ) ); end return r; end -- ISBNformat() local ISSNfactory = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve plain digits of ISSN attempt -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with digits (+xX) and hyphens, not trimmed -- Postcondition: -- Returns table; success -- ... -- digits 0...9 -- 10 at ISSN-8 last position -- .type -- 8 or 13 -- .hyphens -- 0... number of hyphens -- number; no string or bad length or data -- 0 -- no string -- >0 -- unexpected char at position (trimmed) -- -1 -- bad digit count -- -2 -- bad issnland local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then r = factory( attempt, 8 ); if type( r ) == "table" then if r.type == 13 then if r ~= 9 or r ~= 7 or r ~= 7 then r = -2; end elseif r.type ~= 8 then r = -1; end end else r = 0; end return r; end -- ISSNfactory() local ISSNfaith = function ( assert ) -- Compute ISSN check digit and verify -- Precondition: -- assert -- table; as of ISSNfactory() -- .type -- 8 or 13 -- Postcondition: -- Returns true: check digit matches local r; if assert.type == 8 then r = ( fair( assert ) == assert8 ); elseif assert.type == 13 then r = GTINfaith( assert ); else r = false; end return r; end -- ISSNfaith() local ISSNformat = function ( assigned, achieve ) -- Hyphen formatting of ISSN -- Precondition: -- assigned -- table; as of ISSNfactory(), and valid -- achieve -- 8 or 13 -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with digits and hyphens local r; if achieve == 8 then local x; if assigned.type == 8 then r = string.format( "%s-%s", format( assigned, 1, 4 ), format( assigned, 5, 3 ) ); x = assigned8 ; elseif assigned.type == 13 then r = string.format( "%s-%s", format( assigned, 4, 4 ), format( assigned, 8, 3 ) ); x = fair( assigned ); end if x == 10 then r = r .. "X"; else r = r .. tostring( x ); end elseif achieve == 13 then if assigned.type == 8 then r = string.format( "977-%s-00-%s", format( assigned, 1, 7 ), GTINfair( assigned ) ); elseif assigned.type == 13 then r = string.format( "977-%s%s-%s", format( assigned, 4, 7 ), format( assigned, 10, 2 ), tostring( assigned13 ) ); end end return r; end -- ISSNformat() local LCCNfactory = function ( attempt, allow ) -- Retrieve segments of LCCN attempt (format since 2001) -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- allow -- false or string: "/" -- Postcondition: -- Returns table; success -- false if not correct, bad data -- 2014-12-28 local r = false; local pat = "^%s *(%a *)(/?)(%d%S+)%s *$"; local pre, sep, s = attempt:match( pat ); if pre and s then local year, serial; if pre == "" then pre = false; if sep ~= "" then s = false; end elseif #pre > 3 then s = false; else pre = pre:lower(); end if s then if allow ~= "/" or sep == "/" then if sep == "/" then year, serial = s:match( "^(%d+)/(%d.+)$" ); elseif s:find( "-", 2, true ) then year, serial = s:match( "^(%d+)%-(%d.+)$" ); else year = s:match( "^(+)" ); if year then if #year <= 8 then year = s:sub( 1, 2 ); serial = s:sub( 3 ); elseif #year <= 10 then year = s:sub( 1, 4 ); serial = s:sub( 5 ); else year = false; serial = s; end elseif tonumber( s ) then serial = s; end end end if year then if #year == 4 then local n = tonumber( year ); if n <= 2000 then -- 2000 -> "00" serial = false; elseif n > tonumber( os.date( "%Y" ) ) then serial = false; end elseif #year ~= 2 then serial = false; end end if serial then r = ; if year then r.year = year; end if serial:find( "/", 2, true ) then local q; serial, q = serial:lower() :match( "^(%d+)/(+)$" ); if q == "dc" or q == "mads" or q == "marcxml" or q == "mods" then r.serial = serial; r.qualifier = q; end end if serial then serial = serial:match( "^0 *(%d *)$" ); end if not serial then r = false; elseif #serial < 6 then r.serial = string.format( "%06d", tonumber( serial ) ); elseif #serial > 6 then r = false; end end end end return r; end -- LCCNfactory() local LCCNformat = function ( assigned, achieve ) -- Standard or hyphen or slash formatting of LCCN -- Precondition: -- assigned -- table; as of LCCNfactory(), and valid -- achieve -- additional formatting desires, like "-" or "/" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with letters, digits and hyphens -- 2013-07-14 local r; if assigned.pre then r = assigned.pre; else r = ""; end if assigned.year then if achieve == "/" and r ~= "" then r = r .. "/"; end r = r .. assigned.year; if achieve then r = r .. achieve; end end if assigned.serial then r = r .. assigned.serial; end if assigned.qualifier then r = string.format( "%s/%s", r, assigned.qualifier ); end return r; end -- LCCNformat() local LCCNforward = function ( attempt, achieve ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external LCCN permalink -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- achieve -- additional title formatting desires, like "-" -- Postcondition: -- Returns link, or plain attempt if bad LCCN -- 2015-08-10 local lccn = LCCNfactory( attempt ); local r; if lccn then r = LCCNformat( lccn, false ); if r then local s; if achieve then s = LCCNformat( lccn, achieve ); else s = r; end r = string.format( "%s ", r, s ); end else r = attempt; end return r; end -- LCCNforward() local URNnamespace = function ( area, acquire ) -- Are these parts of a correct URN? -- Precondition: -- area -- string with lowercase namespace -- acquire -- string with identification -- Postcondition: -- Returns false if no problem detected -- string with violation local s = fetch( "urn" ).sns; local r; if type( s ) == "string" then r = string.format( ":%s:", area ); if s:match( r ) then s = ". *$"; r = acquire:match( s ); else r = string.format( ":%s:", area ); end if not r then r = false; if area == "isbn" then if not URIutil.isISBNvalid( acquire ) then r = acquire; end elseif area == "issn" then if not URIutil.isISSNvalid( acquire ) then r = acquire; end end end end return r; end -- URNnamespace() function URIutil.coreISSN( attempt ) -- Fetch significant ISSN -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISSN -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with 7 digits, without check digit nor GTIN -- unmodified input if wrong local r; local issn = ISSNfactory( attempt ); if type( issn ) == "table" then if issn.type == 8 then r = format( issn, 1, 7 ); elseif issn.type == 13 then r = format( issn, 4, 7 ); end else r = mw.ustring.upper( mw.text.trim( attempt ) ); end return r; end -- URIutil.coreISSN() function URIutil.formatISBN( attempt, assigned ) -- Format ISBN, if no hyphens present -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- assigned -- table or false; as of ISBNfactory() -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with some hyphens, if not yet -- unmodified input if already hyphens or wrong local r; local isbn; if type( assigned ) == "table" then isbn = assigned; else isbn = ISBNfactory( attempt ); end if type( isbn ) == "table" then r = ISBNformat( attempt, isbn ); else r = mw.ustring.upper( mw.text.trim( attempt ) ); end return r; end -- URIutil.formatISBN() function URIutil.formatISSN( attempt, achieve ) -- Format ISSN -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISSN -- achieve -- false or 8 or 13; requested presentation -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with some hyphens, if not yet -- unmodified input if already hyphens or wrong local r = false; local issn = ISSNfactory( attempt ); if type( issn ) == "table" then if ISSNfaith( issn ) then local k, m; if type( achieve ) == "string" then m = tonumber( achieve ); else m = achieve; end if m == 8 or m == 13 then k = m; else k = issn.type; end r = ISSNformat( issn, k ); end end if not r then r = mw.ustring.upper( mw.text.trim( attempt ) ); end return r; end -- URIutil.formatISSN() function URIutil.formatLCCN( attempt, achieve ) -- Standard or hyphen formatting of LCCN -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- achieve -- additional formatting desires, like "-" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with letters, digits and hyphens -- unmodified input if wrong local r = LCCNfactory( attempt ); if r then r = LCCNformat( r, achieve ); end return r; end -- URIutil.formatLCCN() function URIutil.isDNBvalid( attempt, also ) -- Is this DNB (also GND, ZDB) formally correct (check digit)? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with any presumable DNB code -- also -- string or nil; optional requirement DMA GND SWD -- currently not implemented -- DMA starting with 3 and no hyphen -- GND not DNB2011 -- SWD DNB2011 starting with 4 or 7 and no X check -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of digits or 2011, if valid -- false if not correct, bad data or check digit wrong -- 2013-09-01 local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); local j = s:find( "/", 5, true ); local r = false; local dnb; if j then s = attempt:sub( 1, j - 1 ); end j = s:find( "-", 2, true ); if j then if j > 3 and j <= 8 then if s:match( "^+-$" ) then dnb = factory( s, #s ); end end elseif #s > 7 then if s:match( "^+$" ) then dnb = factory( s, #s ); end end if type( dnb ) == "table" then if j then if DNBfaith( dnb, true ) then r = 2011; end else if DNBfaith( dnb, false ) then r = dnb.type; end end end return r; end -- URIutil.isDNBvalid() function URIutil.isDOI( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct DOI? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable DOI code -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of organization, if valid -- false if not correct, bad character or syntax local r = false; local k, s = attempt:match( "^%s *10%.(+)/(.+)%s *$" ); if k then k = tonumber( k ); if k >= 1000 and k < 100000000 then local pc = "^;:<>%+] *" .. ">%+#]$" s = mw.uri.decode( mw.text.decode( s ), "PATH" ); if s:match( pc ) then r = k; end end end return r; end -- URIutil.isDOI() function URIutil.isEscValid( attempt ) -- Are bad percent escapings in attempt? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with possible percent escapings -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with violating sequence -- false if correct local i = 0; local r = false; local h, s; while i do i = attempt:find( "%", i, true ); if i then s = attempt:sub( i + 1, i + 2 ); h = s:match( "%x%x" ); if h then if h == "00" then r = "%00"; break; -- while i end i = i + 2; else r = "%" .. s; break; -- while i end end end -- while i return r; end -- URIutil.isEscValid() function URIutil.isGTINvalid( attempt ) -- Is this GTIN (EAN) formally correct (check digit)? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable GTIN -- Postcondition: -- Returns GTIN length -- false if not correct, bad data or check digit wrong local r; local gtin = factory( attempt, false ); if type( gtin ) == "table" then if gtin.type == 13 then if GTINfaith( gtin ) then r = gtin.type; end else r = false; end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.isGTINvalid() function URIutil.isHandle( attempt ) -- Is this a meaningful handle for handle.net? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable handle code -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of primary authority, if valid -- false if not correct, bad character or syntax local r = attempt:match( "^%s *(+)/%S+%s *$" ); if r then local k = r:find( ".", 1, true ); if k then if k == 1 or r:match( "%.$" ) then r = false; else r = r:sub( 1, k - 1 ); end end if r then if r:match( "^+$" ) then r = tonumber( r ); else r = false; end end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.isHandle() function URIutil.isISBN( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct ISBN? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- Postcondition: -- Returns -- 1 -- 10 if 10 digits and hyphens; also X at end of ISBN-10 -- 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; beginning with bookland -- false if not an ISBN -- 2 -- internal table, if (1) local r; local isbn = ISBNfactory( attempt ); if type( isbn ) == "table" then r = isbn.type; else r = false; end return r, isbn; end -- URIutil.isISBN() function URIutil.isISBNvalid( attempt ) -- Is this ISBN formally correct (check digit)? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- Postcondition: -- Returns -- 1 -- 10 if 10 digits and hyphens; also X at end of ISBN-10 -- 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; beginning with bookland -- false if not correct, bad data or check digit wrong -- 2 -- internal table, if (1) local r = false; local isbn = ISBNfactory( attempt ); if type( isbn ) == "table" then if ISBNfaith( isbn ) then r = isbn.type; end end return r, isbn; end -- URIutil.isISBNvalid() function URIutil.isISSNvalid( attempt ) -- Is this ISSN formally correct (check digit)? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISSN -- Postcondition: -- Returns 8 if 8 digits and up to 1 hyphen; also X at end -- 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; beginning with 977 -- false if not correct, bad data or check digit wrong local r = false; local issn = ISSNfactory( attempt ); if type( issn ) == "table" then if ISSNfaith( issn ) then r = issn.type; end end return r; end -- URIutil.isISSNvalid() function URIutil.isLCCN( attempt, allow ) -- Is this a syntactically correct LCCN? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- allow -- false or string: "/" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with LCCN formatted aa9999-99999999 -- false if not correct, bad data local r = false; local lccn = LCCNfactory( attempt, allow ); if lccn then r = LCCNformat( lccn, "-" ); end return r; end -- URIutil.isLCCN() function URIutil.linkDNBopac( attempt, about, any1, any2, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external DNB opac link -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable DNB ID -- about -- title, or false -- any1 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any2 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link, or false if bad DNB local r = URIutil.isDNBvalid( attempt ); if r then local s = about; if about then s = about; else s = "DNB " .. attempt; end r = string.format( "%s ", "//portal.dnb.de/", "opac.htm?method=simpleSearch&query=", r, s ); else r = flop( alert ); end return r; end -- URIutil.linkDNBopac() function URIutil.linkDOI( attempt, any1, any2, any3, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external link on DOI resolver -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable DOI -- any1 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any2 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any3 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns external link, or false local r = URIutil.isDOI( attempt ); if r then r = mw.text.decode( mw.text.trim( attempt ), "PATH" ); r = string.format( "%s ", "//dx.doi.org/", mw.uri.encode( r ), mw.text.encode( r, "<>&%]" ) ); else r = flop( alert ); end return r; end -- URIutil.linkDOI() function URIutil.linkHandle( attempt, any1, any2, any3, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external link on handle resolver -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable handle -- any1 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any2 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any3 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns external link, or false local r = URIutil.isHandle( attempt ); if r then r = mw.text.decode( mw.text.trim( attempt ), "PATH" ); r = string.format( "%s ", "//hdl.handle.net/", mw.uri.encode( r ), mw.text.encode( r, "<>&%]" ) ); else r = flop( alert ); end return r; end -- URIutil.linkHandle() function URIutil.linkISBN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled wikilink on booksources page with "ISBN" -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- allow -- true: permit invalid check digit -- abbr -- true or string: link ISBN abbreviation -- adhere -- true: use else: use simple space -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link local lapsus; local source = mw.text.trim( attempt ); local r = string.format( " local isbn = ISBNfactory( source ); if type( isbn ) == "table" then local lenient; if type( allow ) == "string" then lenient = ( allow ~= "0" ); else lenient = allow; end if lenient then lapsus = false; else lapsus = ( not ISBNfaith( isbn ) ); end r = r .. ISBNformat( attempt, isbn ); else lapsus = true; r = r .. source; end r = r .. "">", source ); local isbn = ISBNfactory( source ); if type( isbn ) == "table" then local lenient; if type( allow ) == "string" then lenient = ( allow ~= "0" ); else lenient = allow; end if lenient then lapsus = false; else lapsus = ( not ISBNfaith( isbn ) ); end r = r .. ISBNformat( attempt, isbn ); else lapsus = true; r = r .. source; end r = r .. ""; if lapsus then r = string.format( "%s%s", r, fault( "(?!?!)" ) ); if alert then r = r .. flop( alert ); end end if adhere then r = " " .. r; else r = " " .. r; end if abbr then local cnf = fetch( "config" ); local s = cnf.supportISBN; if s then if type( s ) ~= "string" or s == "" then s = false; end else s = "International Standard Book Number"; end if s then s = string.format( "ISBN", s ); else s = "ISBN"; end r = string.format( "%s %s", s, r ); else r = "ISBN" .. r; end return r; end -- URIutil.linkISBN() function URIutil.linkISSN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external link on ISSN DB with "ISSN" -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISSN -- allow -- true: permit invalid check digit -- abbr -- true: link ISSN abbreviation -- adhere -- true: use else: use simple space; -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link local cnf = fetch( "config" ); local issn = ISSNfactory( attempt ); local lapsus, r; if type( issn ) == "table" then local lenient; if type( allow ) == "string" then lenient = ( allow ~= "0" ); else lenient = allow; end if lenient then lapsus = false; else lapsus = ( not ISSNfaith( issn ) ); end r = ISSNformat( issn, issn.type ); if type( cnf.issn ) == "string" then r = string.format( "%s ", cnf.issn:gsub( "%$1", r ), r ); end else lapsus = true; r = attempt; end if lapsus then r = string.format( "%s%s", r, fault( "(?!?!)" ) ); if alert then r = r .. flop( alert ); end end if adhere then r = " " .. r; else r = " " .. r; end if abbr then local s = cnf.supportISSN; if s then if type( s ) ~= "string" or s == "" then s = false; end else s = "International Standard Serial Number"; end if s then s = string.format( "ISSN", s ); else s = "ISSN"; end r = string.format( "%s %s", s, r ); else r = "ISSN" .. r; end return r; end -- URIutil.linkISSN() function URIutil.linkLCCN( attempt, achieve, any1, any2, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external LCCN permalink -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- achieve -- additional title formatting desires, like "-" -- any1 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any2 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- alert -- string with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link, or false if bad LCCN local r = LCCNforward( attempt, achieve ); if not r then r = flop( alert ); end return r; end -- URIutil.linkLCCN() function URIutil.linkURN( attempt, alter, any1, any2, alert ) -- Retrieve bracketed titled external URN link -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable URN -- alter -- alternative handler -- any1 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- any2 -- intentionally dummy parameter -- alert -- string, with title of maintenance category, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns link, or false if bad URN local r; if not URIutil.mayURI( attempt, true ) then local s = attempt:match( "^%s *:(%S+)%s *$" ); if s then local space, sign = s:match( "^(%w+):(.+)$" ); if space then local defs = fetch( "urn" ); if type( defs ) == "table" then local resolver = defs.resolver; space = space:lower(); resolver = resolverspace ; if type( resolver ) == "table" then if alter then r = resolveralter ; end if not r then r = resolver*" ">" *" ; end if r then s = string.format( "urn:%s:%s", space, sign ); r = r:gsub( "%$1", s ); r = string.format( "%s:%s ", r, space, sign ); s = fetch( "config" ).supportURN; if s then if type( s ) ~= "string" or s == "" then s = false; end else s = "Uniform Resource Name"; end if s then r = string.format( "urn:%s", s, r ); else r = "urn:" .. r; end end elseif resolver == true then s = "link" .. space:upper(); r = URIutils ( sign, alter, nil, nil, alert ); else if type( defs.sns ) == "string" then s = string.format( ":%s:", space ); if not defs.sns:find( s, 1, true ) then s = false; end else s = false; end if s then r = string.format( "urn%s%s", s, sign ); else r = string.format( "urn:%s:%s", space, sign ); end end else r = fault( "Bad structure in Module:URIutil/urn" ); end end end end if not r then if alert then r = attempt .. flop( alert ); else r = mw.text.trim( attempt ); end end return r; end -- URIutil.linkURN() function URIutil.mayDOI( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct DOI, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable DOI -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of organization -- 0 if empty -- false if not empty and not a DOI local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); if #s >= 10 then r = URIutil.isDOI( attempt ); elseif #s == 0 then r = 0; else r = false; end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.mayDOI() function URIutil.mayHandle( attempt ) -- Is this a meaningful handle, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable handle -- Postcondition: -- Returns number of organization -- 0 if empty -- false if not empty and not a DOI local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); if #s > 5 then r = URIutil.isHandle( attempt ); elseif #s == 0 then r = 0; else r = false; end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.mayHandle() function URIutil.mayISBN( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct ISBN, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- Postcondition: -- Returns 10 if 10 digits and hyphens; also X at end of ISBN-10 -- 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; beginning with bookland -- 0 if empty -- false if not empty and not an ISBN local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); if #s >= 10 then r = URIutil.isISBN( attempt ); elseif #s == 0 then r = 0; else r = false; end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.mayISBN() function URIutil.mayISSN( attempt ) -- Is this a correct ISSN, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISSN -- Postcondition: -- Returns 8 if 8 digits and hyphens; also X at end -- 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; beginning with issnland -- 0 if empty -- false if not empty and not an ISSN local r; if type( attempt ) == "string" then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); if #s >= 8 then r = URIutil.isISSNvalid( attempt ); elseif #s == 0 then r = 0; else r = false; end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.mayISSN() function URIutil.mayLCCN( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct LCCN? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable LCCN -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with LCCN formatted aa9999-99999999 -- 0 if empty -- false if not recognized if type( attempt ) == "string" then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); if s == "" then r = 0; else r = URIutil.isLCCN( s ); end else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.mayLCCN() function URIutil.mayURI( attempt, ascii ) -- Is this a syntactically correct URI, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable URI -- ascii -- limit to ASCII (no IRI) -- Postcondition: -- Returns false if no problem -- string with violation local r = URIutil.isEscValid( attempt ); if not r then local s = mw.text.trim( attempt ); r = s:match( "%s(.+)$" ); if not r then r = s:match( "#(. *)$" ); if r then r = "#" .. r; elseif ascii then local p = string.format( ".+$", mw.ustring.char( 128,45,255 ) ); r = mw.ustring.match( s, p ); end end end return r; end -- URIutil.mayURI() function URIutil.mayURN( attempt ) -- Is this a syntactically correct URN, or empty? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable URN -- Postcondition: -- Returns false if no problem -- string with violation local r = URIutil.mayURI( attempt, true ); if not r then local s = attempt:match( "^%s *:(.+)$" ); if s then local space, id = s:match( "^(%w+):(.+)$" ); if space then r = URNnamespace( space:lower(), id ); else r = s; end elseif mw.text.trim( attempt ) == "" then r = false; else r = "urn:"; end end return r; end -- URIutil.mayURN() function URIutil.plainISBN( attempt ) -- Format ISBN as digits (and 'X') only string -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable ISBN -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with 10 or 13 chars -- false if not empty and not an ISBN local r; local isbn = ISBNfactory( attempt ); if type( isbn ) == "table" then r = ISBNflat( isbn ); else r = false; end return r; end -- URIutil.plainISBN() function URIutil.uriDOI( attempt, anything, abbr ) -- Retrieve linked URI on DOI resolver -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable DOI -- anything -- intentionally dummy parameter -- abbr -- true or string: link doi: abbreviation local r = URIutil.linkDOI( attempt ); if r then if abbr then local s; if type( abbr ) == "string" then s = abbr; else s = "Digital Object Identifier"; end r = string.format( "doi:%s", s, r ); else r = "doi:" .. r; end end return r; end -- URIutil.uriDOI() function URIutil.uriHandle( attempt, anything, abbr ) -- Retrieve linked URI on handle resolver -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string with presumable handle -- anything -- intentionally dummy parameter -- abbr -- true or string: link hdl: abbreviation local r = URIutil.linkHandle( attempt ); if r then local s; if type( abbr ) == "string" then s = abbr; end if s then r = string.format( "hdl:%s", s, r ); else r = "hdl:" .. r; end end return r; end -- URIutil.uriHandle() local Template = function ( frame, action ) -- Retrieve library result for template access -- Precondition: -- frame -- object -- action -- string; function name -- Postcondition: -- Returns appropriate string, or error message (development) local lucky, r = pcall( URIutilaction , frame.args1 or "", frame.args2 , faculty( frame.args.link, true ), faculty( frame.args.nbsp, true ), frame.args.cat ); if lucky then if r then r = tostring( r ); else r = ""; end else r = fault( r ); end return r; end -- Template() -- Provide template access and expose URIutil table to require() local p = ; function p.coreISSN( frame ) return Template( frame, "coreISSN" ); end function p.formatISBN( frame ) return Template( frame, "formatISBN" ); end function p.formatISSN( frame ) return Template( frame, "formatISSN" ); end function p.formatLCCN( frame ) return Template( frame, "formatLCCN" ); end function p.isDNBvalid( frame ) return Template( frame, "isDNBvalid" ); end function p.isDOI( frame ) return Template( frame, "isDOI" ); end function p.isEscValid( frame ) return Template( frame, "isEscValid" ); end function p.isGTINvalid( frame ) return Template( frame, "isGTINvalid" ); end function p.isHandle( frame ) return Template( frame, "isHandle" ); end function p.isISBN( frame ) return Template( frame, "isISBN" ); end function p.isISBNvalid( frame ) return Template( frame, "isISBNvalid" ); end function p.isISSNvalid( frame ) return Template( frame, "isISSNvalid" ); end function p.isLCCN( frame ) return Template( frame, "isLCCN" ); end function p.linkDNBopac( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkDNBopac" ); end function p.linkDOI( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkDOI" ); end function p.linkDOI( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkDOI" ); end function p.linkHandle( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkHandle" ); end function p.linkISBN( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkISBN" ); end function p.linkISSN( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkISSN" ); end function p.linkLCCN( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkLCCN" ); end function p.linkURN( frame ) return Template( frame, "linkURN" ); end function p.mayDOI( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayDOI" ); end function p.mayHandle( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayHandle" ); end function p.mayISBN( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayISBN" ); end function p.mayISSN( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayISSN" ); end function p.mayLCCN( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayLCCN" ); end function p.mayURI( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayURI" ); end function p.mayURN( frame ) return Template( frame, "mayURN" ); end function p.plainISBN( frame ) return Template( frame, "plainISBN" ); end function p.uriDOI( frame ) return Template( frame, "uriDOI" ); end function p.uriHandle( frame ) return Template( frame, "uriHandle" ); end function p.URIutil() return URIutil; end return p; 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「モジュール:URIutil」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク