is a manga series written and illustrated by Shigeru Mizuki. Several versions of the manga exist, one of which was adapted into a live-action TV show, and another into an anime TV series. There was also two movies that spawned from the TV series ''Akuma-kun: The Movie'' released in 1989 and ''Akuma-kun: Yōkoso Akuma Land e!!'' released in 1990. All media pertaining to the series was never released outside of Japan. ==Video game== is a role-playing video game for the Famicom that was released on February 24, 1990, and is based on the anime. It was developed by Tose and published by Bandai. The game follows Akuma-kun, who the player controls, through three different types of areas. The world map allows Akuma-kun to visit different towns and dungeons. The world map is in an overhead perspective and features random encounters, which pit Akuma-kun against randomly appearing enemies. During battles, the perspective switches to first-person and the player selects different types of attacks from a menu. During battle, the player can summon demons to aid Akuma-kun with fighting. The player's party and the enemies then take turns attacking each other, similar to most other turn-based RPGs. When Akuma-kun enters a town, the view switches to that of a side-scrolling video game. By moving up at certain areas, Akuma-kun can enter buildings and shops. The game begins as a wizard explains to Akuma-kun that the world will be a better place if demons and humans establish contact. Akuma-kun then sets out to establish this connection. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Akuma-kun」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク