Angelslo is a suburb in the city Emmen in Drenthe, the Netherlands. Angelslo has an altitude of 24 meters (82 feet). In English Angelslo would be called Anglesley or 'Anglesleigh', in Old English probably 'Anglesléah'. -ley, or - leigh comes from Old English -léah, meaning an open spot in a forest in which people used to live. The buildings in Angelslo are built in the 1960s. Typical for these buildings are the flat roofs.〔http://www.emmen.nl/over-de-gemeente/dorpen-en-wijken/kwadrant-de-stad/angelslo.html〕 Angelslo has two elementary schools; Twiespan and O.B.S. Angelslo.〔http://www.emmen.nl/wonen-en-leven/onderwijs-en-studeren/basisscholen/angelslo-emmen.html〕 Besides that, Angelslo also has a shopping mall,〔http://wvangelslo.nl/〕 located at the Statenweg. Statenweg is the main road that goes through Angelslo and branches off in smaller roads (Landschapslaan, Dingspellaan, Kerspellaan, Boerschapslaan, Holtlaan and Veldlaan), that in their turn branch off again.〔http://maps.google.nl/maps?hl=nl&nord=1&q=statenweg+emmen&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1280&bih=905&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x47b7e8a2a3d337a3:0xa331a1d81c2d7922,Statenweg,+Emmen&gl=nl&ei=kHQ7T5bjAcqq-gbJufisBw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CCgQ8gEwAQ〕 There are two churches in Angelslo; Evangelische Gemeente Emmen and Baptisten Gemeente Het Baken.〔http://www.telefoonboek.nl/kaart/kerk/emmen/〕 De mosk is located near the shopping mall and is called ISN Yildirim Beyazit Moskee.〔http://emmen.yalwa.nl/ID_102604210/ISN-Yildirim-Beyazit-Moskee.html〕 Angelslo also has a swimmingpool, Aquarena,〔http://www.zwembadendrenthe.nl/index.php?id=3〕 which is the only indoor Pool of Emmen. The hospital of Emmen is located on the border of Angelslo.〔http://www.leveste.nl/ziekenhuis〕 ==References== 〔 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Angelslo」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク