Baisi is a town in Purnia district of Bihar, India. The number of households in Baisi is 1,319. All the households are rural households. Female to male ratio of Baisi is 95.72% compared to the Bihar's female to male ratio 91.93%. It is unsatisfactory and the people should drive some campaign to improve this. The literacy rate of the village is 35.98% compared to the literacy rate of state 47%. The literacy rate of the village is less than state literacy rate. The rate of literacy is very low and needs immediate attention of Union and State Government. The female literacy rate is 21.39% compared to male literacy rate of 50.05%. The total working population is 56.41% of the total population. 67.69% of the men are working population . 44.71% of the women are working population. The main working population is 43.69% of the total population. 60.51% of the men are main working population . 26.25% of the women are main working population . While the marginal working population is 12.72% of the total population. 7.19% of the men are marginal working population. 18.46% of the women are marginal working population. The total non-working population is 43.59% of the total population. 32.31% of the men are non-working population . 55.29% of the women are non-working population. == History == The people who lived here are the descendants of Pundir Rajputs. Its history says that the people belongs to here are migrated from Telangana region of South India. Pundraka Vasudeva was most famous king of this place. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Baisi」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク