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Balamber : ウィキペディア英語版

Balamber (Balamir, Balamur) was ruler of the Huns, mentioned by Jordanes in his ''Getica'' (c. 550 AD). Jordanes simply called him "king of the Huns" (''rex Hunnorum'') and tells us the story of Balamber crushing the kingdom of Ostrogoths in the 370s, somewhere between 370 and more probable 376 AD.
Jordanes recounts:
Those events were preceded by Huns attack on the Alans at Don, who bordered the Greuthungi, and according to Ammianus Marcellinus, occurred an alliance between them.
The events and names which followed vary according to Ammianus and Cassiodorus (from whose ''Gothic History'' was summarized ''Getica''):
Ammianus wrote that after death of Ermanaric in 375, Vithimiris became the king of the Greuthungi, he resisted the Huns and Alans, but was killed in battle and was succeeded by young son Videric, so they were ruled by ''duces'' Alatheus and Safrax. They managed to make a confederation of Greuthungi, Alans and Huns, who escaped from the majority of Huns, crossed the Danube in 376, and fought Battle of Adrianople in 378.
Cassiodorus, ie. Jordanes recounts that after Ermanaric's death Goths separated in Western Visigoths and Eastern Ostrogoths, the latter remained in "''their old Scythian settlements''" under Hunnic rule. The Amal Vinitharius retained the "''insignia of his princely rank''", and trying to escape from the Huns, he invaded the lands of the Antes and their king Boz for merely one year, but Balamber put an end to Ostrogoths independence. After the subjection, followed more complex Ostrogoths royal descending; Ermanaric > Hunimund-Thorismund-Berimud moved with his son Videric with the Visigoths to the West because "''despised the Ostrogoths for their subjection to the Huns''". Then happened forty years of interregnum and Ostrogoths decided to give the rule to Vandalaris's son Valamir, a relative of Thorismund. Valamir eventually deserted Attila's sons in c. 454.
Herwig Wolfram argued the possibility that unknown river ''Erac'' could be identified with the river Phasis in Lazica. Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen denied the connection with ancient ''Erax'', and considered Tiligul or lower Dnieper. Wolfram puts the geographical location of events after the battle in 376, in Scythia, but the term shifted more westward and actually meant Dacia and Pannonia.
Maenchen-Helfen considered that Cassiodorus wouldn't admit that Gothic princess become a wife of Balamber if he was not some sort of a king.
Wolfram argued that although scholars often identify Vithimiris with Vinitharius, and Videric with Vandalarius, onomatological and genealogical methods do not go along with historical events, and many difficulties arise. One of them is that Balamber lived in the time of Valamir. However, although of similar etymological names, Balamber, Wolfram related to Iranian ''Balimber'', and as such considered them two different personalities. Some scholars like Edward Arthur Thompson and Peter Heather consider Balamber's story historically improbable, and he may be a version of better-attested Valamir, or was an invention by the Goths to explain who defeated them.

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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