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Chrysobothris : ウィキペディア英語版 | Chrysobothris
''Chrysobothris'' is a genus of beetles in the family Buprestidae, containing the following species: * ''Chrysobothris abyssinica'' Fairmaire, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris acaciae'' Knull, 1936 * ''Chrysobothris achardi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris acutipennis'' Chevrolat, 1835 * ''Chrysobothris adelpha'' Harold, 1869 * ''Chrysobothris aeneicollis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris aeneifrons'' Fairmaire, 1882 * ''Chrysobothris aeneola'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris aequalis'' Waterhouse, 1889 * ''Chrysobothris aerea'' Chevrolat, 1834 * ''Chrysobothris affinis'' (Fabricius, 1794) * ''Chrysobothris alabamae'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris alecto'' Obenberger, 1917 * ''Chrysobothris algoensis'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris alluaudi'' Kerremans, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris alutaceiventris'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris amazonica'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris amberestris'' Bellamy, 1999 * ''Chrysobothris amplicollis'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris amurensis'' Pic, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris analis'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris andamana'' Kerremans, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris andica'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris andrewsi'' Waterhouse, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris andrusi'' Baudon, 1968 * ''Chrysobothris angolae'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris angulipicta'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris anniae'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris anoguttata'' (Gory, 1841) * ''Chrysobothris antillarum'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris antiqua'' Chevrolat, 1838 * ''Chrysobothris apicalis'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris apolinari'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris ardoini'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris arizonica'' Chamberlin, 1938 * ''Chrysobothris armata'' Dugès, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris arnoldi'' Théry, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris arouensis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris astartae'' Abeille de Perrin, 1895 * ''Chrysobothris astuta'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris atabalipa'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris atahualpa'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris aterrima'' Kerremans, 1899 * ''Chrysobothris atriplexae'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris auricincta'' Burmeister, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris auricollis'' Kerremans, 1898 * ''Chrysobothris auricornis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris aurifera'' Kirsch, 1866 * ''Chrysobothris auripes'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris auroimpressa'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris auropicta'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris auropunctata'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris australasiae'' Hope, 1846 * ''Chrysobothris axillaris'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris azurea'' LeConte, 1857 * ''Chrysobothris bacchari'' Van Dyke, 1923 * ''Chrysobothris badeni'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris balzani'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris banghaasi'' Théry, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris barellei'' Bourgoin, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris barri'' Westcott, 1971 * ''Chrysobothris basalis'' LeConte, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris beameri'' Knull, 1954 * ''Chrysobothris beckeri'' Obenberger, 1956 * ''Chrysobothris bedeli'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris behanzini'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris bekassana'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris bella'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris bellata'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris belti'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris beniensis'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris beyeri'' Schaeffer, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris bicentra'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris bicolor'' Horn, 1894 * ''Chrysobothris bicolorata'' Bílý, 2000 * ''Chrysobothris bicolorifrons'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris bicornis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris biimpressa'' (Chevrolat, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris bilyi'' Bellamy, 1998 * ''Chrysobothris bimarginicollis'' Schaeffer, 1905 * ''Chrysobothris bisinuata'' Chamberlin, 1938 * ''Chrysobothris bispinosa'' Schaeffer, 1909 * ''Chrysobothris bistripunctata'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris boharti'' Van Dyke, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris boliviae'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris boliviana'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris boninensis'' Kurosawa, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris borneensis'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris bothrideres'' Fairmaire, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris bouddah'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris brahma'' Obenberger, 1917 * ''Chrysobothris braunsi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris breviloba'' Fall, 1910 * ''Chrysobothris breviloboides'' Barr, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris brevitarsis'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris brixi'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris bruchi'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris buenavistae'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris bumburetica'' Bílý, 2000 * ''Chrysobothris buqueti'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris burgeoni'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris caddo'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris caelata'' Carter, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris californica'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris callichroma'' Obenberger, 1939 * ''Chrysobothris capensis'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris capitata'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris carbonaria'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris carbonicolor'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris carbunculifer'' Théry, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris carinata'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris carinipennis'' LeConte, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris carmelita'' Fall, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris carminea'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris carneola'' (Voet, 1806) * ''Chrysobothris carteri'' Obenberger, 1923 * ''Chrysobothris cashmirensis'' Obenberger, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris catascopa'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris catharinae'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris caurina'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris cavatifrons'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris cavifrons'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris chactas'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris chalcophana'' (Klug, 1829) * ''Chrysobothris chalcophoroides'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris chalybea'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris chamberliniana'' Fisher, 1948 * ''Chrysobothris cheni'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris chiribiquetensis'' Bellamy, 1995 * ''Chrysobothris chiricahuae'' Knull, 1937 * ''Chrysobothris chlorocephala'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris chlorosticta'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris chrysoela'' (Illiger, 1800) * ''Chrysobothris chrysogaster'' Bourgoin, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris chrysonota'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris chrysostigma'' (Linnaeus, 1758) * ''Chrysobothris cincta'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris circe'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris circuloimpressa'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris coelicolor'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris coeruleoglabrata'' Obenberger, 1917 * ''Chrysobothris collaris'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris coloradensis'' Wickham, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris comanche'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris confusa'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris congeneratrix'' Obenberger, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris consanguinea'' (Gory & Laporte, 1837) * ''Chrysobothris consimilis'' (Gory, 1841) * ''Chrysobothris convexa'' Fall in Fall & Cockerell, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris convexiuscula'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris cordicollis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris cordillerae'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris cordovensis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris cornifrons'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris cornigera'' Fisher, 1944 * ''Chrysobothris cornuta'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris corporaali'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris costaricana'' Obenberger, 1917 * ''Chrysobothris costata'' Kerremans, 1895 * ''Chrysobothris costifer'' Kerremans, 1909 * ''Chrysobothris costifrons'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris crandalli'' Knull, 1943 * ''Chrysobothris crenulipyga'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris cribraria'' Mannerheim, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris cribrifrons'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris cubensis'' Théry, 1927 * ''Chrysobothris culbersoniana'' Knull, 1943 * ''Chrysobothris cunctans'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris cuprascens'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris cupreipes'' Fairmaire, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris cupreomactata'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris cupressicona'' Barr & Westcott, 1976 * ''Chrysobothris cupriceps'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris cupricollis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris cuprifrons'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris cuprina'' (Klug, 1829) * ''Chrysobothris cupriventris'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris curlettii'' Magnani, 1995 * ''Chrysobothris curta'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris curvicollis'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris cyanella'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris cyanescens'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris cyanicollis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris cyanipennis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris cypria'' Magnani, 1993 * ''Chrysobothris danae'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris debilis'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris decolorata'' (Gory & Laporte, 1837) * ''Chrysobothris deflexicornis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris delavayi'' Fairmaire, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris delectabilis'' Waterhouse, 1889 * ''Chrysobothris delenifica'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris deliana'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris densa'' Waterhouse, 1889 * ''Chrysobothris densepunctata'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris dentipes'' (Germar, 1824) * ''Chrysobothris deserta'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris desmaresti'' (Laporte & Gory, 1836) * ''Chrysobothris deuvei'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris deyrollei'' Thomson, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris dilaticollis'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris discedens'' Gemminger & Harold, 1869 * ''Chrysobothris discicollis'' Saunders, 1867 * ''Chrysobothris disparicollis'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris distincta'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris dolata'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris dorbignyi'' (Gory, 1841) * ''Chrysobothris dorsata'' (Fabricius, 1787) * ''Chrysobothris dubiosula'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris dudichi'' Gebhardt, 1926 * ''Chrysobothris dudleyaphaga'' Westcott, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris dugesi'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris duplicata'' (Chevrolat, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris duporti'' Bourgoin, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris dyopatra'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris dyoti'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris ebenina'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris ecuadorica'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris edwardsii'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris elevata'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris ellyptica'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris elongata'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris emarginaticollis'' Blanchard, 1846 * ''Chrysobothris embriki'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris empyrea'' Gerstäcker, 1871 * ''Chrysobothris eos'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris ephedrae'' Knull, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris eriogoni'' Westcott, 2005 * ''Chrysobothris errans'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris erudita'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris erythraeina'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris erythrogona'' (Kirsch, 1866) * ''Chrysobothris eurycephala'' Obenberger, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris exesa'' LeConte, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris explicationis'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris fabricii'' Saunders, 1871 * ''Chrysobothris fabulosa'' Nelson, 1988 * ''Chrysobothris facialis'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris falli'' Van Dyke, 1918 * ''Chrysobothris fastidiosa'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris fatalis'' Harold, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris felixi'' Gebhardt, 1926 * ''Chrysobothris femorata'' (Olivier, 1790) * ''Chrysobothris fiji'' Bellamy, 2009 * ''Chrysobothris fisheri'' Théry, 1927 * ''Chrysobothris fisheriana'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris fiskei'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris fluvialis'' Moore, 1986 * ''Chrysobothris fossifrons'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris foveata'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris foveiceps'' Saunders, 1867 * ''Chrysobothris foveicollis'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris fragariae'' Fisher, 1930 * ''Chrysobothris francoisi'' Baudon, 1966 * ''Chrysobothris fraudi'' Théry, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris freyi'' (Pochon, 1972) * ''Chrysobothris frontalis'' (Olivier, 1790) * ''Chrysobothris fronticornis'' (Chevrolat, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris frontiscalla'' Domínguez & Márquez, 1971 * ''Chrysobothris fruta'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris funeraria'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris furcata'' Kerremans, 1913 * ''Chrysobothris gahani'' Cockerell, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris gardneri'' Théry, 1930 * ''Chrysobothris gardnerianus'' Descarpentries, 1959 * ''Chrysobothris gebhardti'' Théry, 1936 * ''Chrysobothris gebieni'' Kerremans, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris gedyei'' Théry, 1941 * ''Chrysobothris gelhardtiana'' Théry, 1941 * ''Chrysobothris gemmata'' LeConte, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris generosa'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris gentilis'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris georgei'' Nelson, 1980 * ''Chrysobothris gerstmeier'' Barries, 2010 * ''Chrysobothris ghesquierei'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris gloriosa'' Fisher, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris gounellei'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris gowdeyi'' Fisher, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris grancanariae'' Niehuis & Gottwald, 1999 * ''Chrysobothris gratiosa'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris graueri'' Kerremans, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris gravenhorsti'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris grindeliae'' Van Dyke, 1937 * ''Chrysobothris guatemalensis'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris guineensis'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris guttata'' (Olivier, 1790) * ''Chrysobothris guyanensis'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris haitiensis'' Fisher, 1930 * ''Chrysobothris handschini'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris harrisii'' (Hentz, 1827) * ''Chrysobothris hauseri'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris haydeni'' Scudder, 1876 * ''Chrysobothris helferi'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris hera'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris hexastigma'' Mannerheim, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris heyrovskyi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris hidalgoensis'' Knull, 1951 * ''Chrysobothris hispaniolae'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris hobsoni'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris holochalcea'' Burmeister, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris horaki'' Barries, 2008 * ''Chrysobothris horni'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris horningi'' Barr, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris horvathi'' Gebhardt, 1926 * ''Chrysobothris hoscheki'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris hubbardi'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris humilis'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris hypochloris'' Erichson, 1847 * ''Chrysobothris ianthinipes'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris ichthyomorpha'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris idahoensis'' Barr, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris igai'' Kurosawa, 1948 * ''Chrysobothris ignicollis'' Horn, 1885 * ''Chrysobothris ignipicta'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris ignisternum'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris igniventris'' Reitter, 1895 * ''Chrysobothris ignota'' Dugès, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris inaequalicollis'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris inaequalis'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris indica'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris indigacea'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris infantula'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris infima'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris infranitens'' Kerremans, 1912 * ''Chrysobothris insidiosa'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris insolata'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris insulana'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris iridea'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris iris'' Van Dyke, 1937 * ''Chrysobothris jakovlevi'' Semenov, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris jania'' Lotte, 1938 * ''Chrysobothris janthina'' (Gory, 1841) * ''Chrysobothris javae'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris javana'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris jeanneli'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris jendeki'' Barries, 2006 * ''Chrysobothris joellae'' Bleuzen, 1993 * ''Chrysobothris juncta'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris kabakovi'' Alexeev in Alexeev, et al., 1991 * ''Chrysobothris kalaharica'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris kalshoveni'' Obenberger, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris kelloggi'' Knull, 1937 * ''Chrysobothris keyensis'' Gestro, 1877 * ''Chrysobothris kiangsuanus'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris knulli'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris komareki'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris kordofana'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris kotoensis'' Miwa & Chûjô, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris kraatzi'' Kerremans, 1899 * ''Chrysobothris kucerai'' Barries, 2008 * ''Chrysobothris kuntzeni'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris labaili'' Baudon, 1968 * ''Chrysobothris lancii'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris lanei'' Théry, 1936 * ''Chrysobothris laosensis'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris laricis'' Van Dyke, 1916 * ''Chrysobothris lateralis'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris laticollis'' Burmeister, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris latifrons'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris lativertex'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris laudabilis'' Théry, 1936 * ''Chrysobothris leechi'' Barr, 1974 * ''Chrysobothris leonhardi'' Obenberger, 1916 * ''Chrysobothris lepida'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris lesnei'' Théry, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris lesueuri'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris leuconoe'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris libanonica'' Obenberger, 1935 * ''Chrysobothris libonoti'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris lilaceous'' Chamberlin, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris lineatipennis'' Van Dyke, 1916 * ''Chrysobothris linnei'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris lixa'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris lobata'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris longula'' Saunders, 1867 * ''Chrysobothris lucana'' Horn, 1894 * ''Chrysobothris lucifera'' Théry, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris ludificata'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris macarthuri'' Théry, 1941 * ''Chrysobothris macleayi'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris maculata'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris maculicollis'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris maculicoxis'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris maculiventris'' (Chevrolat, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris maillei'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris malayensis'' Fisher, 1930 * ''Chrysobothris mali'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris manchurica'' Arakawa, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris mandarina'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris manifesta'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris maracaensis'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris marina'' Abeille de Perrin, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris marquesana'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris martha'' Van Dyke, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris mastersii'' Macleay, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris matangana'' Kerremans, 1912 * ''Chrysobothris megacephala'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris melazona'' Chevrolat, 1835 * ''Chrysobothris merkelii'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris mescalero'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris michelbacheri'' Van Dyke, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris micromorpha'' Fall, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris microstigma'' Gestro, 1877 * ''Chrysobothris militaris'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris minuta'' Kerremans, 1896 * ''Chrysobothris miraculosa'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris modesta'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris mokrzeckii'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris moluccana'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris montezuma'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris monticola'' Fall, 1910 * ''Chrysobothris montrouzieri'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris mrazi'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris muehlei'' Barries, 2008 * ''Chrysobothris mulsanti'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris multistigmosa'' (Mannerheim, 1837) * ''Chrysobothris musae'' Théry, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris myia'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris myoptica'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris nana'' Fairmaire, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris natalensis'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris nausicaa'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris nelsoni'' Westcott & Alten, 2006 * ''Chrysobothris neopusilla'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris neotexana'' Dozier, 1955 * ''Chrysobothris nicaraguensis'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris nickerli'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris nigripennis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris nigrita'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris nigriventris'' Théry, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris nigropicta'' Nelson, 1988 * ''Chrysobothris nigroviolacea'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris niveifrons'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris nixa'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris nobilis'' (Fabricius, 1787) * ''Chrysobothris nodipennis'' Kerremans, 1899 * ''Chrysobothris obenbergeri'' Gebhardt, 1926 * ''Chrysobothris occidentis'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris occipitalis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris octocola'' LeConte, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris octofoveolata'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris octomaculata'' Carter, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris octonotata'' Saunders, 1874 * ''Chrysobothris ohbayashii'' Kurosawa, 1948 * ''Chrysobothris ohnoi'' Kurosawa, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris okorosawana'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris omurai'' Baudon, 1968 * ''Chrysobothris oregona'' Chamberlin, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris orono'' Frost, 1920 * ''Chrysobothris orothi'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris ovalis'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris palaui'' Cobos, 1954 * ''Chrysobothris palawanensis'' Barries, 2006 * ''Chrysobothris pampas'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris pantochlora'' Guérin-Méneville, 1847 * ''Chrysobothris paragrindeliae'' Knull, 1943 * ''Chrysobothris paraguayensis'' Obenberger, 1917 * ''Chrysobothris parallela'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris paramodesta'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris parapiuta'' Knull, 1938 * ''Chrysobothris paratabalipa'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris pardensis'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris parvipunctata'' Obenberger, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris parvofoveata'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris paulensis'' Théry, 1936 * ''Chrysobothris pedroi'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris peninsularis'' Schaeffer, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris peringueyi'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris perplexa'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris perroni'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris peruviae'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris petersoni'' Hawkeswood, 1997 * ''Chrysobothris philippinensis'' Saunders, 1874 * ''Chrysobothris phoebe'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris picipes'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris picklesi'' Théry, 1938 * ''Chrysobothris pictiventris'' Saunders, 1874 * ''Chrysobothris pilifrons'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris piuta'' Wickham, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris placida'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris pluton'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris polita'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris polychrous'' Bílý, 1983 * ''Chrysobothris polymetallichroma'' Westcott, 1998 * ''Chrysobothris polyspilota'' Burmeister, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris potentillae'' Barr, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris prasina'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris prava'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris preissi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris pressli'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris pseudacutipennis'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris pseudinsularis'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris pseudotsugae'' Van Dyke, 1916 * ''Chrysobothris pubilineata'' Vogt, 1949 * ''Chrysobothris puella'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris pulchella'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris pulcherrima'' Snellen von Vollenhoven, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris pulchra'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris pulchripes'' Fairmaire, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris pumpuna'' Blackwelder, 1944 * ''Chrysobothris puncticollis'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris punctiventris'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris purpurata'' Bland, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris purpureicollis'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris purpureoplagiata'' Schaeffer, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris purpureovittata'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris purpurescens'' Kerremans, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris purpurifrons'' Motschulsky, 1859 * ''Chrysobothris pusilla'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris pygmaea'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris quadraticollis'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris quadriimpressa'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris quadrilineata'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris quadrimaculata'' (Fabricius, 1776) * ''Chrysobothris quadriplagiata'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris queenslandica'' Hawkeswood, 1986 * ''Chrysobothris ras'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris ravilla'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris regina'' Kerremans, 1898 * ''Chrysobothris regradata'' Wallengren, 1881 * ''Chrysobothris rejzeki'' Niehuis, 2009 * ''Chrysobothris richteri'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris riedlei'' Barries, 2008 * ''Chrysobothris riograndina'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris ritsemae'' Gestro, 1877 * ''Chrysobothris rogaguaensis'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris roguensis'' Beer, 1967 * ''Chrysobothris rondoni'' Baudon, 1963 * ''Chrysobothris roseiventris'' Thomson, 1878 * ''Chrysobothris rossi'' Van Dyke, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris rothkirchi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris rotundicollis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris rubimaculata'' (Gory & Laporte, 1837) * ''Chrysobothris rubripes'' Chevrolat, 1838 * ''Chrysobothris rudipennis'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris rugifrons'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris rugipes'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris rugosa'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris rugosiceps'' Melsheimer, 1845 * ''Chrysobothris rugosipennis'' Théry, 1947 * ''Chrysobothris rutilans'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris rutilicuspis'' Heller, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris sacrata'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris salebrosa'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris saliaris'' Kurosawa, 1948 * ''Chrysobothris sallaei'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris salomonica'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris samai'' Curletti & Magnani, 1988 * ''Chrysobothris samurai'' Obenberger, 1935 * ''Chrysobothris sapphirina'' (Swartz, 1817) * ''Chrysobothris saundersii'' Macleay, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris sauteri'' Kerremans, 1912 * ''Chrysobothris scabripennis'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris schaefferi'' Obenberger, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris schistomorion'' Westcott & Davidson, 2001 * ''Chrysobothris schlueteri'' Théry, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris schoutedeni'' Obenberger, 1921 * ''Chrysobothris scintillatrix'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris scitula'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris seminole'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris semisculpta'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris semisuturalis'' (Kerremans, 1899) * ''Chrysobothris sericeifrons'' Théry, 1898 * ''Chrysobothris serripes'' Schaeffer, 1905 * ''Chrysobothris sexangula'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris sexfasciata'' Schaeffer, 1919 * ''Chrysobothris seximpressa'' Mannerheim, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris sexnotata'' Gory, 1841 * ''Chrysobothris sexpunctata'' (Fabricius, 1801) * ''Chrysobothris sexsignata'' (Say, 1839) * ''Chrysobothris sexstigmata'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris shawnee'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris shinanensis'' Kano, 1929 * ''Chrysobothris shirakii'' Miwa & Chûjô, 1935 * ''Chrysobothris shortlandica'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris siamensis'' Hoscheck, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris sibuyana'' Fisher, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris similis'' Saunders, 1867 * ''Chrysobothris simillima'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris simplex'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris simplicifrons'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris sinensis'' Fairmaire, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris singalesa'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris skalei'' Barries, 2010 * ''Chrysobothris sloicola'' Manley & Wellso, 1976 * ''Chrysobothris smaltzi'' Théry, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris smaragdinea'' Kerremans, 1893 * ''Chrysobothris smaragdula'' Fall, 1907 * ''Chrysobothris sobrina'' Dugès, 1891 * ''Chrysobothris socialis'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris solieri'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris somereni'' Théry, 1931 * ''Chrysobothris soror'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris speculifer'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris spinicollis'' Théry, 1911 * ''Chrysobothris staudingeri'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris steinbachi'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris stellifera'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris stephensi'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris sterbai'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris storkani'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris strandiana'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris stricklandi'' Obenberger, 1924 * ''Chrysobothris strigicollis'' Théry, 1898 * ''Chrysobothris subcylindrica'' Ménétriés in Motschulsky, 1859 * ''Chrysobothris subopaca'' Schaeffer, 1904 * ''Chrysobothris subrugosa'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris subsimilis'' Thomson, 1879 * ''Chrysobothris succedanea'' Saunders, 1873 * ''Chrysobothris sudanensis'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris sulci'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris sumbana'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris superba'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris suppressa'' Wickham, 1914 * ''Chrysobothris suturalis'' Walker, 1858 * ''Chrysobothris sylvania'' Fall, 1910 * ''Chrysobothris taciturna'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris takahashii'' Barries, 2009 * ''Chrysobothris tenebricosa'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris tessellata'' Westcott in Westcott, et al., 2008 * ''Chrysobothris texana'' LeConte, 1860 * ''Chrysobothris texcocana'' Domínguez, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris thomae'' Kerremans, 1899 * ''Chrysobothris thomsoni'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris thoracica'' (Fabricius, 1798) * ''Chrysobothris tibidens'' Domínguez & Márquez, 1971 * ''Chrysobothris timida'' Kerremans, 1897 * ''Chrysobothris tonkinensis'' Bourgoin, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris totonaca'' Domínguez & Márquez, 1971 * ''Chrysobothris tranquebarica'' (Gmelin, 1790) * ''Chrysobothris transvalensis'' Obenberger, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris tricolor'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris trinervia'' (Kirby, 1837) * ''Chrysobothris trisignata'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris tristis'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris trochantispina'' Domínguez & Márquez, 1971 * ''Chrysobothris trochilus'' Waterhouse, 1887 * ''Chrysobothris tumida'' Chevrolat, 1867 * ''Chrysobothris umbrosa'' Kerremans, 1903 * ''Chrysobothris umrongsoi'' Barries, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris unica'' Deyrolle, 1864 * ''Chrysobothris unigemmata'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris uruguayensis'' Obenberger, 1932 * ''Chrysobothris ventralis'' Saunders, 1874 * ''Chrysobothris ventriplaga'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris venustula'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris verdigripennis'' Frost, 1910 * ''Chrysobothris verityi'' Nelson, 1975 * ''Chrysobothris veselyi'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris vicina'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris vidua'' Fisher, 1930 * ''Chrysobothris vilucana'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris violacea'' Kerremans, 1892 * ''Chrysobothris violaceotincta'' Obenberger, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris viridiceps'' Melsheimer, 1845 * ''Chrysobothris viridicyanea'' Horn, 1886 * ''Chrysobothris viridifasciata'' (Gory & Laporte, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris viridiimpressa'' Gory & Laporte, 1837 * ''Chrysobothris viridilabrata'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris viridinotata'' (Gory & Laporte, 1838) * ''Chrysobothris viridis'' Macleay, 1872 * ''Chrysobothris vitalisi'' Bourgoin, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris vivida'' Knull, 1952 * ''Chrysobothris vulcanica'' LeConte, 1861 * ''Chrysobothris vulgata'' Obenberger, 1928 * ''Chrysobothris wagneri'' Kerremans, 1913 * ''Chrysobothris wallacei'' Saunders, 1871 * ''Chrysobothris waynei'' Bellamy, 1998 * ''Chrysobothris westcotti'' Barr, 1969 * ''Chrysobothris weyersi'' Kerremans, 1900 * ''Chrysobothris wickhami'' Fisher, 1942 * ''Chrysobothris widdringtoniae'' Descarpentries, 1959 * ''Chrysobothris wilkinsoni'' Théry, 1947 * ''Chrysobothris williamsi'' Van Dyke, 1953 * ''Chrysobothris wintu'' Wellso & Manley, 2007 * ''Chrysobothris wolcotti'' Fisher, 1925 * ''Chrysobothris woodgatei'' Champlain & Knull, 1922 * ''Chrysobothris yemenensis'' Bílý, 2000 * ''Chrysobothris yucatanensis'' Van Dyke, 1953 * ''Chrysobothris yunnanensis'' Théry, 1940 * ''Chrysobothris znojkoi'' Semenov & Richter, 1934 * ''Chrysobothris zubaci'' Obenberger, 1932 ==References==
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