Words near each other
・ Eobarbourula
・ Eobard Thawne
・ Eobasileus
・ Eobatrachus
・ Eobelemnites
・ Eobelinae
・ Eobisan
・ Eoborus
・ Eoborus fusiforme
・ Eoborus rotundus
・ Eoborus sanctijosephi
・ Eobothus
・ Eobrachyopidae
・ Eobroscus
・ Eobuglossus
・ EOC 10-inch /45 naval gun
・ EOC 12 inch/45 naval gun
・ EOC 14 inch /45 naval gun
・ Eocaecilia
・ Eocaiman
・ Eocallionymus papilio
・ Eocambrian
・ Eocaptorhinus
・ Eocarcharia
・ Eocarcinoidea
・ Eocarcinosoma
・ Eocarcinus
・ Eocardia
・ Eocardiidae

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EOC : ウィキペディア英語版
EOC may refer to:
*Earth Observation Center
*Economy of Communion in Freedom
*Economy of the Occupation, a series of publications
*Elswick Ordnance Company, a British armaments and ammunition manufacturer of the late 19th – early 20th century
*Engines of Creation (book), a molecular nanotechnology book by K. Eric Drexler
*Equal Opportunities Commission (United Kingdom), a former public body in the United Kingdom
*Emergency operations center, a type of command and control facility
*European Olympic Committees, an umbrella organisation of National Olympic Committees
*Escalation of commitment, a study of escalating commitment to a chosen course of action
*Ethernet over coax, a family of transmission technologies
*Ethernet over copper, a family of transmission technologies
*Evangelical Orthodox Church, an Eastern Orthodox Christian movement
*End of Course Examination, see End of Course Test

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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