Ful Haus was a Filipino sitcom produced by M-Zet Productions, Inc. and premiered on August 5, 2007. It aired every Sunday on GMA Network. The show is part of the network's GMA KiliTV block. This show is based heavily on, and was named after, the Koreanovela GMA show ''Full House''. The title theme was composed by Francis Magalona, which he rapped together with Gloc 9. The sitcom is currently re-aired internationally on GMA Life TV. ==Plot== The story revolves around Ful (played by Vic Sotto) and his wife, Grace (Pia Guanio), who have been married for a long time but Grace is just going to give birth. Their marriage is anything but blissful since they still live with Ful's parents (Joonee Gamboa and Marissa Delgado). The conflict starts when Ful's mother expresses her disdain over her daughter-in-law Grace and the life Ful chose when he got married. This was added to when Ful's newly separated brother Onemig (played by Jose Manalo) arrived with his son One-Two (BJ Forbes) to live with the couple. Onemig tries to make the whole family proud by posing himself as a hotshot lawyer, which doesn't impress Ful at all. It turns out that Onemig is not a lawyer, he is just working as a fixer at the City Hall. This was discovered by Ful, who tries to embarrass his brother in front of the whole family. But brotherly love prevails as Onemig promises to tell their parents his real job when the right time comes. As a result, both brothers kept it as a secret. It is a story of relationships within the Palisoc family and how they live together inside Ful-Haus (Fulgencio's House). On August 16, 2009, ''Ful Haus'' aired its last episode and was replaced a new sitcom called ''Show Me Da Manny'' on August 23, 2009. 6 days previously, on August 10, Marian Rivera introduced her own version of the ''Darna'' series. It starred Manny Pacquiao and Marian Rivera. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ful Haus」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク