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Glossary of military abbreviations : ウィキペディア英語版
Glossary of military abbreviations
List of abbreviations, acronyms and initials related to military subjects such as modern armour, artillery, infantry, and weapons, along with their definitions.
== A ==

* AA – anti-aircraft
* AA – AEGIS Ashore
* AAA – anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A"
* AAAV – Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
* AAD – Armoured amphibious dozer
* AADC – Area Air Defense Commander
* AAG – Anti-aircraft gun
* AAK – Appliqué armor kit (US)
* AAN – Army after next
* AAP – Advance Authority to Procure
* AAPC – Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (Turkey)
* AARADCOM – Army Armament Research and Development Command
* AAR – After Action Review
* AAV – Amphibious assault vehicle
* AAV – Assault Amphibious Vehicle
* AAW – Anti-Aircraft Warfare
* AAWC – Anti-Aircraft Warfare Coordinator
* AB – Air burst
* ABC – Atomic, biological, chemical (replaced by chemical, biological, radiological (CBR), and Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC))
* ABC – Automatic brightness control
* AB(C) – Aviation battalion (combat)
* ABIT – Advanced Built-In Test
* ABM – Air Bursting Munition
* ABM – Anti-Ballistic Missile
* ABMD – AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense
* ABMS – air bursting ammunition system
* ABRO – Army Base Repair Organisation
* ABS – Aww-Busting System
* ABS – anti-skid braking system
* ABSP – AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Signal Processor
* ABSV – Armoured Battlegroup Support Vehicle
* A/C – aircraft commander
* AC – alternating current
* ACA – ammunition container assembly
* ACADA – Automatic Chemical Agent Detector and Alarm
* ACAVP – Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform (UK)
* ACB – Advanced Capability Build
* ACB/TI – Advanced Capability Baseline/Technical Insertion
* ACC – AEGIS Computer Center
* ACCE – Abrams/Crusader Common Engine
* ACCV – Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle (US)
* ACD – Automated Common Diagrams
* ACE – Armored Combat Earthmover (US)
* ACEGIO – Advanced Conversion Equipment Group Input Output
* ACH – Advanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet)
* ACLOSAutomatic Command to Line of Sight
* ACM – Acoustic Countermeasures
* ACOG – Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
* ACOMMS – Acoustic Communications
* ACP – Automatic Colt Pistol
* ACP – Alignment control Panel
* ACPU – Aft Central Processing Unit
* ACR – Advanced Combat Rifle
* ACR – Armored cavalry regiment
* ACRV – Armoured command and reconnaissance vehicle
* ACS – Artillery communications system
* ACS – AEGIS Combat System
* ACS – Air Control Supervisor
* ACSC' – AEGIS Combat Systems Center
* ACTS – AEGIS Combat Training System
* ACU – Army combat uniform
* ACU – Antenna Coupler Unit
* ACV – Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle (US)
* ACV – Armoured combat vehicle
* ACVT – Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program (US)
* A/D – Analog to Digital
* ADA – air defense artillery
* ADAM – Area Denial Artillery Munition
* ADAMS – Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US)
* ADAP – Advanced Digital Antenna Production
* ADATS – Air Defence Anti-Tank System
* ADC-A – Assistant Division Commander – Fire and Maneuver
* ADC-B – Assistant Division Commander – Combat Support
* ADEA – Army Development and Employment Agency
* ADF – Australian Defence Force
* ADG' – Acoustic Display Generator
* ADI – Australian Defence Industries
* ADM – Advanced Development Model
* ADNS – Automated Digital Network System
* ADS – Advanced Display System
* AE – action express
* AECU – Antenna Environmental Control Unit
* AEF – Allied expeditionary force
* AEP – Action Entry Panel
* AER – Alteration Equivalent to Repair
* AESA – Active electronically scanned array
* AEWC – Airborne Early Warning and Control
* AEV – Armoured engineer vehicle
* AF – Air force
* AF – And Following (as "in DDG-113 AF ships will receive the AMDR Radar")
* AFA/ARA – Aerial field artillery/aerial rocket artillery (US, Vietnam war era attack helicopter batteries employing 2.75 in. FFAR)
* AFARV – Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle (US)
* AFAS – advanced Field Artillery System
* AFATDS – Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
* AFC – Australian Flying Corps
* AFCS – automatic fire-control systems
* AFD – automatic feeding device
* AFDL – Advanced Flight Deck Lighting
* AFFF – Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam (smothers fire cutting off oxygen)
* AFSC – air force specialty code
* AFSV – armoured fire support vehicle
* AFV – Armored Family of Vehicles (US)
* AFV – Armoured fighting vehicle
* AGC – automatic gain control
* AGF – Army ground forces
* AGL – above ground level
* AGL – automatic grenade launcher
* AGLS – automatic gun laying system
* AGS – armored gun system (US)
* AGS – Advanced Gun System
* AGV – assault gun vehicle
* AGVT – Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology
* Ah – Ampere hour
* AHC – Attack Helicopter Company (USA)
* AHE – Aircraft Handling Equipment
* AI – Action Item
* AIC – Air Intercept Controller (US Navy)
* AICS – Accuracy International Chassis System
* AICW – Advanced Individual Combat Weapon
* AIF – Australian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI)
* AIFS – Advanced Indirect Fire System
* AIFV – Armoured infantry fighting vehicle
* AIPS – Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (US)
* AIS – Automatic Identification System (US NAVY)
* AIT – Alteration Installation Team
* AIT – Advanced Information Technology
* AK – Acknowledgement
* ALAAVS – Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System (US)
* ALC – Advanced Land Combat (US)
* ALICE – All-purpose lightweight individual carrying equipment
* ALO – AEGIS Light Off
* ALS – Advanced laying system
* ALS – Advanced Lighting System (flight deck)
* ALSV – Armoured logistics support vehicle
* ALT – Armoured launching turret
* ALWT – Advanced Lightweight Torpedo
* AM – Acquisition Manager
* AMC – United States Army Materiel Command
* AMC – Advanced Mortar Carrier (Turkey)
* AMCCOM – Armament Munitions and Chemical Command
* AMDR – Air and Missile Defense Radar
* AMDS – Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot
* AMF – Amphibische Mehrzweck-Fahrzeuge (multipurpose amphibious vehicle)
* AML – Automitrailleuse Légère (light armoured car)
* AMLCD – Active-matrix liquid crystal display
* AMOS – Advanced mortar system
* AMPS – Afloat Master Planning System (US NAVY)
* AMR – Anti-materiel rifle
* AMR – Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance
* AMRWS – Advanced multi-role weapon station
* AMS – Armoured mortar system
* AMS-H – Advanced Missile System – Heavy
* AMX – Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
* ANAD – Anniston Army Depot
* ANZAC – Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
* ANZUS – Australia New Zealand United States Treaty
* AO – Area of operations
* AOI – Arab Organisation for Industrialisation
* AOS – Add-on stabilisation
* AP – Anti-personnel
* AP – Armour-piercing
* APAM – Anti-personnel, anti-matériel
* APBC – Armour-piercing ballistic cap
* APC – Armoured personnel carrier
* APC – Armour-piercing capped
* APCBC – Armour-piercing capped ballistic cap
* APC-T – Armour-piercing capped – tracer
* APCT-BF – Armour-piercing capped tracer – base fuze
* APCNR – Armour-piercing composite non-rigid
* APCR – Armour-piercing composite rigid
* APCRBC – Armour-piercing composite rigid ballistic cap
* APDS – Armour-piercing discarding sabot
* APDS-T – Armour-piercing discarding sabot – tracer
* APE – Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle)
* APEP – Armour-Piercing Enhancement Programme
* APERS – Anti-personnel
* APERS-T – Anti-personnel tracer
* APFIDS – Armour-piercing fragmentation incendiary discarding sabot
* APFSDS-T – Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot – tracer
* APFSDS(P) – Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (practice)
* APFSDSDU – Armour piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, depleted uranium
* APG – Aberdeen Proving Grounds
* APGM – Autonomous precision-guided munition
* APHC – Armour-piercing hard core
* APHE – Armour-piercing high explosive
* API – Armour-piercing incendiary
* APIT – Armour-piercing incendiary tracer
* APM – Anti-personnel mine
* APS – Advanced propulsion system
* APS – Artillery pointing system
* APSA – Armour piercing secondary effect
* APSE – Armour-piercing secondary effect
* APSE-T – Armour-piercing secondary effect – tracer
* APT – Armour-piercing tracer
* APTE – Abrams Power Train Evolution (US)
* APU – Auxiliary power unit
* APV – Armoured patrol vehicle
* AR – Assault rifle
* AR/AAV – Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle (US)
* ARD – Anti-reflective device
* ARDEC – Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
* ARDNOT – Automatic day/night optical tracker
* ARE – Atelier de Construction Roanne
* ARETS – Armour Remote Target System
* ARFORGEN – Army force generation
* ARMAD – Armoured and Mechanised Unit Air Defence
* ARMSCOR – Armament Manufacturing Corporation (South Africa)
* ARMVAL – Anti-armor vehicle evaluation (US)
* ARP – Anti-radiation projectile
* ARP – Armoured repair plates
* ARRADCOM – Armament Research and Development Command
* ARRV – Armoured repair and recovery vehicle
* ARSV – Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle (US)
* ART – Armoured Recon Transport
* ARV – Armoured recovery vehicle or Armed Robotic Vehicle (XM1219)
* ASAAdvanced security agency
* ASAP – As soon as possible
* ASARC – Army Systems Acquisition Review Council
* ASCOD – Austrian Spanish Co-operative Development
* ASM – Armored Systems Modernisation (US)
* ASP – Automatic, self-powered
* ASTROS – Artillery Saturation Rocket System (Brazil)
* ASV – Armored Security Vehicle (US)
* ASV – Ammunition supply vehicle
* AT – Anti-tank
* AT – Ape tape
* ATACS – Advanced tank cannon system (US)
* ATAS – Automatic target acquisition system
* ATCAS – Advanced towed cannon system
* ATD – Advanced technology demonstration
* ATD – Advanced technology demonstrator (US)
* ATD – Automatic target detection
* ATDT – Automatic target detection and tracking
* ATDU – Armoured Trials and Development Unit (UK)
* ATFCS – Automated Targeting and Fire Control System
* ATG – Anti-tank gun
* ATGL – Anti-tank grenade launcher
* ATGM – Anti-tank guided missile
* ATGW – Anti-tank guided weapon
* ATK – Alliant Techsystems
* ATLAS – Advanced technology light artillery system
* ATLV – Artillery target location vehicle
* ATM – Anti-tank mine
* ATR – - EDS Automotive test rigElectric drive system
* ATS – Atelier de Construction de Tarbes
* ATTC – All Terrain Tracked Carrier
* ATTS – Air Transportable Towed System
* ATV – All-terrain vehicle
* ATV – Armoured TOW vehicle (Turkey)
* AUG – Armee Universal Gewehr
* AVGP – Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Canada)
* AVH – Armoured Vehicle Heavy
* AVL – Armoured Vehicle Light
* AVLB – Armoured vehicle-launched bridge
* AVM – Armoured Vehicle Medium
* AVR – Armoured vehicle reconnaissance
* AVRE – Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (UK)
* AVT – Advanced Vehicle Technologies (US)
* AWE – Advanced Warfighting Experiment
* AWOL – Absent without official leave

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