Professor Grampy is an animated cartoon character appearing in the ''Betty Boop'' series of shorts produced by Max Fleischer and released by Paramount Pictures. Grampy is an ever-cheerful and energetic senior citizen with a bald head and a white beard. His primary activities include singing, dancing and building Rube Goldberg-esque devices out of ordinary household items. When presented with an unexpected new problem, he will put on his thinking cap (a mortarboard with a lightbulb on top). In short order the lightbulb lights up and Grampy builds a new gadget to solve the problem. It is not clear whether Grampy is actually related to Betty Boop, because everyone calls him "Grampy" and he seems to be equally affectionate to almost everyone he meets. There is also some inconsistency as to living arrangements. In some shorts like ''Betty Boop and Grampy'' and ''House Cleaning Blues'' he and Betty live in separate houses; however, in ''The Impractical Joker'' he is shown to live in an apartment one floor above hers—suggesting they are neighbors, or that he is perhaps her boarder. The identity of Grampy's voice actor has been subject to debate. The modern day Fleischer Studios credits Popeye voice actor Jack Mercer as the voice of Grampy, while the character's article on Don Markstein's Toonopedia indicated that standard reference sources didn't name Grampy's voice actor, aside from some isolated mentions crediting Everett Clark for the role. Grampy appeared in nine of the later ''Betty Boop'' cartoons in the mid-1930s, often having a larger role than Betty. He also made one appearance without Betty, in the 1936 ''Color Classics'' short ''Christmas Comes But Once A Year''. ==Filmography== *''Betty Boop and Grampy'' (1935) *''A Song A Day'' (1936) *''Grampy's Indoor Outing'' (1936) *''Be Human'' (1936) *''Christmas Comes But Once A Year'' (1936) *''House Cleaning Blues'' (1937) *''The Impractical Joker'' (1937) *''The Candid Candidate'' (1937) *''Service with a Smile'' (1937) *''Zula Hula'' (1937) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Grampy」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク