, also called ''Hikarian: Great Railroad Protector'', is a Japanese anime and toy franchise by Tomy. The first television series, is about a series of bullet trains that are turned into robots. The robots, along with two humans named Tetsuyuki Shinbashi (新橋 テツユキ ''Shinbashi Tetsuyuki'') and Minayo Kanda (神田 ミナヨ ''Kanda Minayo''), have to stop an alien invasion. A second television series, , was later created. The new series stars a new Hikarian, Lightning West, and a new human lead, Kenta Hijiribashi (聖橋 ケンタ ''Hijiribashi Kenta''). Enoki Films has licensed the series for an English release. The company has suggested name changes (e.g. Tetsuyuki becomes Terry and Minayo becomes Mina) but the series is not yet available in English, and Enoki may sublicense the series to another company who may decided to keep the original Japanese names, use Enoki's suggested English names, or use original English names. ==Characters== The main characters in Hikarian are the Hikarians who fight against the Blatcher gang and their plan operation Darkness. All of the characters, except the Black Express, are based on real life trains. Interestingly, the series depicts them operating as normal trains during times of peace. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Hikarian」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク