''Humf'' is a British animated children's television program featuring a "furry thing" called Humf. The show centres on the title character and his daily life with his friends and family. The show, each episode of which is about 7 minutes long, is produced by King Rollo Films and Rubber Duck.〔http://www.c21media.net/news/detail.asp?area=79&article=47198〕 It is narrated by Caroline Quentin and it is broadcast on Nick Jr. (UK and Ireland) and Nick Jr 2 and CBeebies in international countries.〔(Daily Mirror Article )〕 ==Characters== Humf Humf is described as a furry thing. He is short, round, purple, and cuddly. He has a rather square shaped toy named Crispy Cakehead and lives in a first floor flat with his mum and dad. His best friends Wallace and Loon live in the flats above and below respectively. Wallace Wallace is a green hairy thing who runs around a lot and often ruins games on Humf and Loon, though not deliberately. He laughs quite a lot, too, and lives on the very top floor of the 3-story building. He always says hello more than once and his other catchphrase is saying things are his "favourite thing". He also likes to play supertiger (Wallace Gets Very Cross), elephants. & Falling Down (Humf & Wallace Fall Down). Loon Loon is a pink feathery thing who lives in the flat below Humf. She likes to go out to the park and the supermarket, most of the time with her friends Humf and Wallace, along with her mother. She is the only one of the three friends who has yet to be shown a father Humf's Mum Humf's mum is a blue furry thing. Humf's Dad Humf's dad is a big, red furry thing. He works a lot from home on the computer. Wallace's Mum Wallace's Mum is a green hairy thing. Wallace's Dad Wallace's Dad is a blue hairy thing. Loon's Mum Loon's Mum is also, like Loon, a pink feathery thing. Uncle Hairy Uncle Hairy is Humf's uncle. He often comes to babysit Humf, although in one episode, he is late, so Flora, his girlfriend, comes to babysit instead (''Flora Comes To Babysit''). However, he finally manages to arrive at Humf's flat at the moment when he is saying good night to Flora. In another episode, he announces he is going to take Humf to a restaurant for a late night dinner, instead of babysitting him. He likes to play with both Humf and his friends, as well as taking them to several places around the local area. He also sometimes goes to work, as seen in the episode ''Humf's Special Cup''. He also reads to Humf in a funny voice. Flora Flora is Uncle Hairy's girlfriend. She likes to go out at night with him. She is good at making peanut butter sandwiches and like Uncle Hairy she reads in funny voices, but only after Humf reminds her. The relationship between Uncle Hairy and Flora develops nicely throughout the episodes. In the episode when Uncle Hairy was late she was referred to as Auntie Flora. Initially Humf was unsure about this, but by the end of the episode he seemed to have warmed to the idea. However, he was still very happy when Uncle Hairy eventually arrived at bed time. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Humf」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク