is a supernatural manga series written and illustrated by Yellow Tanabe. It was serialized in Japan by Shogakukan in the manga magazine ''Shōnen Sunday'' from 2003 to 2011, and licensed for an English-language release in North America by Viz Media. It was adapted as a fifty-two episode anime series by Sunrise, which was broadcast between October 2006 and February 2008. The series is about Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yukimura, heirs to rival families of ''kekkai'' (barrier magic) users, who must defend their school from the spirits drawn to the sacred land upon which it is built. ''Kekkaishi'' received the 2007 Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga. ==Plot== According to the legend, five hundred years ago, there was an insignificant lord who possessed a mysterious power that drew (supernatural creatures) to him. A demon exterminator, Tokimori Hazama, was called upon to protect the lord and his castle. The lord's power stayed on the land even when he had died. Thus, Tokimori founded the Hazama clan, who inherited his techniques, to protect the land for centuries to come. This land is . In the present day, Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yukimura, heirs of the Hazama clan, are the that protect Karasumori. They are ability users (people who can use supernatural powers) who use a technique called . ''Kekkai'' is a form of magical energy barrier which is primarily used to capture and destroy ''ayakashi'' that are drawn to this . Any ''ayakashi'' that stay on the land become stronger. Yoshimori and Tokine are to guard the land from the intrusion of ''ayakashi'' who try to "power-up" there. Yoshimori and Tokine suffered a lot of hardships in their responsibilities to protect Karasumori. The ''ayakashi'' they must fight are becoming more and more powerful, but they managed to protect the land with the help from Yoshimori's older brother, Masamori Sumimura, and the . The Shadow Organization itself is an organization of ability users that is governed by a council of twelve, consisting of high level ability users. Over the course of the story it is revealed little by little that the legend is full of lies. The real source of Karasumori's power is , an illegitimate son of the Hazama clan's founder, Tokimori Hazama, and the Karasumori clan's heiress. Tokimori used forbidden arts to try to give his son unearthly power, but the plan backfired, and instead gave Chūshinmaru the power to draw people's life force, killing everybody around him. Tokimori was forced to seal his own son beneath Karasumori. However, being alone with no aid Tokimori was unable to completely seal off the Shinkai he created. Which allowed Chūshinmaru's power to leak out, and it is this that draws ''ayakashi'' to the land. In the end, with the help of Yoshimori's mother and Tokimori, Yoshimori and Tokine find a new site for Chūshinmaru by displacing the founder of the Urakai from the domain of a land-god that the founder had taken over. To seal Chūshinmaru, Yoshimori's mother sacrifices herself by sealing the domain with herself inside. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kekkaishi」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク