, often shortened to , is a Japanese comedy manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Akimoto. It takes place in the present day, in and around a neighborhood police station (kōban) in the downtown part of Tokyo, and revolves around the misadventures of middle-aged cop Kankichi Ryotsu. It has been continuously serialized in ''Weekly Shōnen Jump'' since September 1976 with over 1800 chapters collected into 196 ''tankōbon'' volumes, making it the manga series with the highest number of volumes. The manga has been adapted into a television anime series, produced by Studio Gallop and broadcast across Japan by Fuji Television, two theatrical animated films, two live-action movies, several stage adaptations, and a live-action television series. As of February 2012, the series had sold over 155 million copies, making ''Kochikame'' one of the best-selling manga series in history. In 2005, TV Asahi named the anime number 36 on its list of the Top 100 Anime. ==Plot== The typical ''Kochikame'' plot involves Kankichi "Ryo-san" Ryotsu coming up with a money-making scheme by inventing a new gadget or capitalizing on a fad, achieving great success, calling on Keiichi Nakagawa's help as things turn sour, and finally losing it all as the fad runs out of steam or out of control. While the plots are gag-driven, much of the humor comes from the combination of mundane characters with those that are bizarrely out of place; such as Nakagawa who has wealth and Ai Asato who has appeal. What they have in common is everyone's lack of actual police work, most of which is never explained or rationalized in the slightest. (It is explained in ''Jump'' that Ryo-san is one of the best officers at catching criminals.) Nakagawa and Reiko Akimoto have special licenses (such as for wearing personal clothes instead of uniforms to work) from police headquarters because of their skills in linguistics. The plot has consistently evolved with the ongoing times, and most of the main characters have not really aged, despite the fact that the series started in the 1970s, and is now clearly set in the 2010s. However, some characters have aged (like the grandchild of Buchao, who was a baby in the early books, but is now close to junior high) at a relatively reasonable pace, which the author has self-mocked in a few "look back" episodes. ''Kochikame'' has a broad audience, ranging from adolescent boys to middle-aged salarymen. Much like Homer Simpson, Ryo-san's antics appeal to children who can laugh at an old buffoon, and to men fearing that they are becoming old buffoons themselves—and also because it often subtly mocks the latest fads and trends. The stories are generally innocent in content, and what little violence appears is comical, while the occasional risqué subjects are included strictly for laughs rather than to titillate. In another parallel to ''The Simpsons'', ''Kochikames immense popularity has led to guest appearances in the strip by real-life Japanese celebrities such as Tetsuya Komuro. For creator Osamu Akimoto, ''Kochikame'' is an ongoing homage to the working-class people and districts of old Tokyo, and most episodes open with an elaborate full-page illustration of a Shitamachi (down-town) street scene, typically with old wooden buildings and boys playing in the streets. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク