''KOSAMKHEDA (कोसमखेड़ा)''This is a very popular around 300km because in the village have good farmer and some special activities by the village. KOSAMKHEDA is part of Kareli Tehsil in Narsinghpur District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Jabalpur Division. The most popular word in village is "Kay re & Hao". The word is misused 60% of the time. It should be used when greeting a person one has not seen in a long time. Kosamkheda is situated near 10km of Satpura dense mountain. This village is located 22.866053 North and 79.152031 East. Kosamkheda is located in the UTC 5.30 time zone. Kosamkheda sun rise time varies 13 minutes from IST. Kosamkheda is a farming based village. Almost all the people who live there do farming for a living. Most villager’s main business are product of raw food, vegetables, fruits, oil-seed, and milk products (milk, khowa, butter and buttermilk.) Kosamkheda is one of Gram Panchayat in Narsinghpur District, in this 4 Villages are comes * Kosamkheda * Jallapur * KarahiyaKheda * Bichua(Khurd & Kala) ==Sarpanch of Kosamkheda== 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kosamkheda」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク