LGA 1155, also called Socket H2, is a socket used for Intel microprocessors based on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge microarchitectures. Its incompatible counterpart for Intel's high-performance desktops and servers is LGA 2011. LGA 1155 is designed as a replacement for LGA 1156 (known as ''Socket H''). LGA 1155 has 1155 protruding pins to make contact with the pads on the processor. The pins are arranged in a 40×40 array with a 24×16 central void and additional 61 omitted pins (two adjoining the central void, six in each of the four corners, and 35 in groups around the perimeter), yielding the 1600 − 384 − 61 = 1155 pin count. Processors for LGA 1155 and LGA 1156 sockets are not compatible with each other since they have different socket notches. However, cooling systems are compatible between LGA 1155 and LGA 1156 sockets, as the processors have the same dimensions, profile and construction, and similar levels of heat production. Integrated USB 3.0 support is present in the Z75, Z77, H77, Q75, Q77 and B75 chipsets intended for Ivy Bridge CPUs. Refer to list of Intel chipsets for the complete list of LGA 1155 chipsets. ==Original Sandy Bridge chipsets== Sandy Bridge chipsets, except Q65, Q67 and B65, support both Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge CPUs through a BIOS upgrade. Sandy Bridge based processors officially support up to DDR3-1333 memory, however in practice speeds up to DDR3-2133 have been tested to work successfully. The H61 chipset only supports one double-sided DIMM per memory-channel and therefore is limited to 16 GB instead of the 32 GB like the others support. On motherboards with four DIMM slots, only four single-sided DIMMs can be installed. 〔http://ark.intel.com/compare/52811,52816,52810,52807,52812,52806,52801〕 ''Table updated with the latest information from Intel ARK'' 1 USB 3.0 is not supported by any of these chipsets. Motherboard manufacturers may use external hardware to add USB 3.0 support. 2 Although some of the chipsets do not support conventional PCI, motherboard manufacturers may include support through the addition of third party chips. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「LGA 1155」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク