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List of airports by IATA code: A : ウィキペディア英語版 | List of airports by IATA code: A
The DST column shows the months in which Daylight Saving Time, a.k.a. Summer Time, begins and ends. A blank DST box usually indicates that the location stays on Standard Time all year, although in some cases the location stays on Summer Time all year. If a location is currently on DST, add one hour to the time in the Time column. To determine how much and in which direction you will need to adjust your watch, first adjust the time offsets of your source and destination for DST if applicable, then subtract the offset of your departure city from the offset of your destination. For example, if you were flying from Houston (UTC−6) to South Africa (UTC+2) in June, first you would add an hour to the Houston time for DST, making it UTC−5, then you would subtract -5 from +2. +2 - (-5) = +2 + (+5) = +7, so you would need to advance your watch by seven hours. If you were going in the opposite direction, you would subtract 2 from -5, giving you -7, indicating that you would need to turn your watch back seven hours.
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