Lukomorye, Lukomorie or Lukomorje ((ロシア語:Лукоморье)) is a fictional land in Russian folklore and history. The Russian word itself is an obsolete term for "bight" or "bay". In the word "luk-o-mor-ye", "-o-" is an infix to connect two roots, "-ye" is an affix (in this case, of relative location), "luk-" is the root for "bend", "mor-" is the root for "sea". It can also be translated as "curved sea-shore" or "inlet of the sea". ==Middle Ages geography and Early Russian manuscripts== The toponym "Sea Bend" (лука моря, ''luka morya'') and the derivations: ''lukomorye'', ''lukomorians'', etc., has been applied to various geographical locations.〔Энциклопедия ("Слова о полку Игореве" ): В 5 томах / Рос. акад. наук. Ин-т рус. лит. (Пушкин. дом); Ред. кол.: Л. А. Дмитриев, Д. С. Лихачев, С. А. Семячко, О. В. Творогов (отв. ред.). — СПб.: Дмитрий Буланин, 1995 〕 It is mentioned in The Tale of Igor's Campaign and the Russian chronicles. According to the chronicles Lukomorye was inhabited by the nomadic Polovtsy people, and the researchers locate it the region north of the Sea of Azov, where Polovtsy lived in the 11th—12th centuries. These accounts are seen as a source of inspiration for Alexander Pushkin.〔 In modern Russian culture the word Lukomorye is most commonly associated with Pushkin's fairy tale poem ''Ruslan and Lyudmila'', starting with the line: "There is a green oak-tree by the lukomorye, …" (У лукоморья дуб зелёный, … ; ''U lukomorya dub zelyony, …''). The land of "Lucomoria" was also depicted in a number of antique maps of Siberia/Muscovy.〔(A fragment of the map of Asia ) by van Schagen, 1680〕 It is suggested that the cartographers followed the descriptions of Sigismund von Herberstein in his 1549 ''Notes on Muscovite Affairs:
Giles Fletcher in his ''Of the Russe Common Wealth'' repeats the fantastic tale of dying/reviving Lukomorians.〔"The Travellers' Dictionary of Quotation" by Peter Yapp (p. 723 )〕 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Lukomorye」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク