In the Japanese tokusatsu production Kamen Rider Hibiki, refers to an assortment of monstrous creatures that usually dwell in the rural areas and consumed human beings as food. In contrast to the humanoid adversaries in other ''Kamen Rider'' series, most of the Makamou were usually gigantic monsters of the kaiju genre whose designs and names were based on the Yōkai from Japanese folklores. Furthermore, the Makamou are aided by a mysterious pair of humans. The name Makamou can be translated "Demonized Spirits of the Countryside". ==Douji and Hime== The term used for a pair of Homunculi servants that aid a Makamou. Over time, it is revealed that they are actually a series of clones created by a couple, referred to as "The Man and Woman who Live in the Western-Style House", thus making them the main villains of the series despite not appearing that often. As seen in this debut in episode 26, they are powerful, though they prefer to evade rather than resort to fighting. In addition, it seems they're well-educated and civilized. There's indication that they are humans from ancient times who achieved a means of immortality, due to the fact they use Shikigami like the Oni had in the past. Over time, they managed to blend into human society without any problem and because of it, they're able to conduct experiments to make Makamou even stronger to not only defeat the Oni, but destroy humanity. They also possess telepathic abilities, such as controlling their Homunculi clones, seeing them as mere puppets. When Orochi occurred, the Man and Woman halted their actions and enlisted the Oni to help them, making their way to the marker of the sacred land to halt the Orochi. Their Super clones started to rebel, but retreated due to being the weaker ones. Though they overpowered their clones, the Man saw no reason to pursue due to their short lives, with the Woman feeling bad for them. A year after Orochi was stopped, they created Satori abduct an ideal human (Hitomi) so they use her to create more stable clones. In the end of the series, they are revealed to the clones of the "Real Man and Woman", who still need them to carry on their work. * "The Man" - The "Original" , A youthful man dressed in a brown kimono and is seen wearing glasses. He is the one who creates the Makamou and the Douji/Hime clones. * "The Woman" - The "Original" , resembling a young girl in a white kimono and carries a parasol. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Makamou」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク