Nangla-Maheshwari is a village and a gram panchayat in Mohammedpur Deomal block in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh. It comes on the road from Kiratpur to Mandawar. It is 2 km from Mandawar and 5 km from Kiratpur. It is surrounded by villages Mohandia Dhansi, Ratanpur, Machki and Bahadarpur and it is well connected to its surrounding villages. Village has people from different castes, namely Bhuiyar(भुइयार), Rava Rajputs, Dalits, Valmikis and Muslims. These are basically 2 villages as the name shows, but they are known as a clubbed name only. The village is surrounded by Mango orchards. Two small canals are going on two sides of the village. Village has three ponds around it. There is an iron fabrication factory, one small sugar cane crusher(power) and a brick factory as well. Main occupation here is farming. People have their own cattle for milk and other farming related help. Village is famous for its education standard because of success achieved by the students of village particularly in Engineering and Medical fields. Most of the young population is migrating to cities in search of employment. Village has two government primary schools up to class 5. But to pursue further studies students have to go to nearby towns i.e. Mandawar or Kiratpur. There is a temple built by village people right in the centre of the village. Maheshwari has been declared as an Ambedkar village, so it has better infrastructure in comparison to nearby villages. For power supply there are two feeders of 11kV each coming to the village. But power supply condition is pathetic(approximately 8 to 10 hrs/day) like in the rest of the state. Village has a First Aid Center and a post office as well. Mr. Rajiv Rajput is the new elected Gram Pradhan in October 2010. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Nangla-Maheshwari」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク