is a Japanese manga series created by Suihō Tagawa and pubished by Kodansha in ''Shōnen Kurabu''. The titular protagonist, Norakuro, or Norakuro-''kun'', is a black and white dog. The name ''Norakuro'' is an abbreviation of and . Norakuro strongly influenced Machiko Hasegawa, the author of ''Sazae-san'', who apprenticed with its author Suihō Tagawa, as well as Fullmetal Alchemist author Hiromu Arakawa. There is an excerpt that appears in the sixth ''Kramer's Ergot'' comics anthology which is the only example of Tagawa's work published in English. ==History== In the original story, the central character Norakuro was a soldier serving in an army of dogs called the . The strip's publication began in Kodansha's ''Shōnen Kurabu'' in 1931, and was based on the Imperial Japanese Army of the time.〔 The mangaka, Suihō Tagawa, had served in the Imperial Army from 1919 to 1922. Norakuro is gradually promoted from private to sergeant in the stories, which are humorous episodes. Serialization of ''Norakuro'' stopped during the Second World War. After the war, due to the popularity of the strip, the character returned in various guises, including a sumo wrestler and a botanist. Pre-war animated films based on the military ''Norakuro'', and two post-war animated series of ''Norakuro'', in 1970 and 1987, have also been produced. In the 1970 series, the voice of Norakuro was played by Nobuyo Ōyama, also known as the voice of Doraemon. During the 1980s and early 1990s Norakuro was the mascot of the Physical Training School (Tai-Iku Gakko) of the Japan Self Defense Force. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Norakuro」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク