The Percidae are a family of perciform fish found in fresh and brackish waters of the Northern Hemisphere. The majority are Nearctic, but there are also Palearctic species. The family contains about 200 species in 10 genera. The darters, perches, and their relatives are in this family; well-known species include the walleye, sauger, ruffe, and three species of perch. However, small fish known as darters are also a part of this family. This family is characterized by a greater or lesser degree of armour about the head, caused by the presence of teeth or spines on the cheeks and opercles (gill covers) or their edges, and by two narrow bands of numerous close-set teeth on the sides (palatines). Also, many percid fish have a heart-shaped plate of teeth on the roof of the mouth (vomer). The shape of these fish is usually somewhat slender and laterally compressed. Their scales are generally harsh and rough to the feel, or ciliate. Percid fish are among the most beautiful of the freshwater fish due to their brilliant colors (red, brown, orange, and yellow are the most predominant tints). ==Species== FishBase lists 204 species in 10 genera: * Genus ''Ammocrypta'' (sand darters) * * Naked sand darter, ''A. beanii'' Jordan, 1877 * * Florida sand darter, ''A. bifascia'' Williams, 1975 * * Western sand darter, ''A. clara'' Jordan & Meek, 1885 * * Southern sand darter, ''A. meridiana'' Williams, 1975 * * Eastern sand darter, ''A. pellucida'' Agassiz, 1863 * * Scaly sand darter, ''A. vivax'' Hay, 1882 * Genus ''Crystallaria'' * * Crystal darter, ''C. asprella'' Jordan, 1878 * * Diamond darter, ''C. cincotta'' Welsh & Wood, 2008 * Genus ''Etheostoma'' (smoothbelly darters) * * Sharphead darter, ''E. acuticeps'' Bailey, 1959 * * Coppercheek darter, ''E. aquali'' Williams & Etnier, 1978 * * Redspot darter, ''E. artesiae'' Hay, 1881 * * Mud darter, ''E. asprigene'' Forbes, 1878 * * Cumberland snubnose darter, ''E. atripinne'' Jordan, 1877 * * Conchos darter, ''E. australe'' Jordan, 1889 * * Emerald darter, ''E. baileyi'' Page & Burr, 1982 * * Teardrop darter, ''E. barbouri'' Kuehne & Small, 1971 * * Splendid darter, ''E. barrenense'' Burr & Page, 1982 * * Corrugated darter, 'E. basilare'' Page, Hardman & Near, 2003 * * Warrior darter, ''E. bellator'' Suttkus & Bailey, 1993 * * Orangefin darter, ''E. bellum'' Zorach, 1968 * * Buffalo darter, ''E. bison'' Ceas & Page, 1997 * * Greenside darter, ''E. blennioides'' Rafinesque, 1819 * * Blenny darter, ''E. blennius'' Gilbert & Swain, 1887 * * Slackwater darter, ''E. boschungi'' Wall & Williams, 1974 * * Holiday darter, ''E. brevirostrum'' Suttkus & Etnier, 1991 * * Brook darter, ''E. burri'' Ceas & Page, 1997 * * Rainbow darter, ''E. caeruleum'' Storer, 1845 * * Bluebreast darter, ''E. camurum'' Cope, 1870 * * Chickasaw darter, ''E. cervus'' Powers & Mayden, 2003 * * Vermilion darter, ''E. chermocki'' Boschung, Mayden & Tomelleri, 1992 * * Relict darter, ''E. chienense'' Page & Ceas, 1992 * * Greenfin darter, ''E. chlorobranchium'' Zorach, 1972 * * Bluntnose darter, ''E. chlorosoma'' (Hay, 1881) * * Lipstick darter, ''E. chuckwachatte'' Mayden & Wood, 1993 * * Ashy darter, ''E. cinereum'' Storer, 1845 * * Creole darter, ''E. collettei'' Birdsong & Knapp, 1969 * * Carolina darter, ''E. collis'' (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935) * * Coastal darter, ''E. colorosum'' Suttkus & Bailey, 1993 * * Coosa darter, ''E. coosae'' (Fowler, 1945) * * Crown darter, ''E. corona'' Page & Ceas, 1992 * * Arkansas darter, ''E. cragini'' Gilbert, 1885 * * Fringed darter, ''E. crossopterum'' Braasch & Mayden, 1985. * * Choctawhatchee darter, ''E. davisoni'' Hay, 1885 * * Golden darter, ''E. denoncourti'' Stauffer & van Snik, 1997 * * Stone darter, ''E. derivativum'' Page, Hardman & Near, 2003. * * Coldwater darter, ''E. ditrema'' Ramsey & Suttkus, 1965 * * Tuskaloossa darter, ''E. douglasi'' Wood & Mayden, 1993 * * Black darter, ''E. duryi'' Henshall, 1889 * * Brown darter, ''E. edwini'' (Hubbs & Cannon, 1935) * * Cherry darter, ''E. etnieri'' Bouchard, 1977 * * Etowah darter, ''E. etowahae'' Wood & Mayden, 1993 * * Arkansas saddled darter, ''E. euzonum'' Hubbs & Black, 1940 * * Iowa darter, ''E. exile'' Girard, 1859 * * Fantail darter, ''E. flabellare'' Rafinesque, 1819 * * Saffron darter, ''E. flavum'' Etnier & Bailey, 1989 * * Fountain darter, ''E. fonticola'' Jordan & Gilbert, 1886 * * Barrens darter, ''E. forbesi'' Page & Ceas, 1992 * * Strawberry darter, ''E. fragi'' Distler, 1968 * * Savannah darter, ''E. fricksium'' Hildebrand, 1923 * * Swamp darter, ''E. fusiforme'' Girard, 1854 * * Slough darter, ''E. gracile'' Girard, 1859 * * Rio Grande darter, ''E. grahami'' Girard, 1859 * * Tuckasegee darter, ''E. gutselli'' (Hildebrand, 1932) * * Harlequin darter, ''E. histrio'' Jordan & Gilbert, 1887 * * Christmas darter, ''E. hopkinsi'' (Fowler, 1945) * * Turquoise darter, ''E. inscriptum'' Jordan & Brayton, 1878 * * Blueside darter, ''E. jessiae'' Jordan & Brayton, 1878 * * Greenbreast darter, ''E. jordani'' Gilbert, 1891 * * Yoke darter, 'E. juliae'' Meek, 1891 * * Kanawha darter, ''E. kanawhae'' (Raney, 1941) * * Highland Rim darter, ''E. kantuckeense'' Ceas & Page, 1997 * * Stripetail darter, ''E. kennicotti'' (Putnam, 1863) * * Tombigbee darter, ''E. lachneri'' Suttkus & Bailey, 1994 * * Headwater darter, ''E. lawrencei'' Ceas & Burr, 2002 * * Greenthroat darter, ''E. lepidum'' Baird & Girard, 1853 * * Longfin darter, ''E. longimanum'' Jordan, 1888 * * Tufa darter, ''E. lugoi'' Norris & Minckley, 1997 * * Redband darter, ''E. luteovinctum'' Gilbert & Swain, 1887 * * Brighteye darter, ''E. lynceum'' Hay, 1885 * * Spotted darter, ''E. maculatum'' Kirtland, 1841 * * Pinewoods darter, ''E. mariae'' Fowler, 1947 * * Smallscale darter, ''E. microlepidum'' Raney & Zorach, 1967 * * Least darter, ''E. microperca'' Jordan & Gilbert, 1888 * * Yellowcheek darter, ''E. moorei'' Raney & Suttkus, 1964 * * Lollipop darter, ''E. neopterum'' Howell & Dingerkus, 1978 * * Niangua darter, ''E. nianguae'' Gilbert & Meek, 1887 * * Blackfin darter, ''E. nigripinne'' Braasch & Mayden, 1985 * * Johnny darter, ''E. nigrum'' Rafinesque, 1820 * * Watercress darter, ''E. nuchale'' Howell & Caldwell, 1965 * * Barcheek darter, ''E. obeyense'' Kirsch, 1892 * * Okaloosa darter, ''E. okaloosae'' (Fowler, 1941). * * Sooty darter, ''E. olivaceum'' Braasch & Page, 1979 * * Tessellated darter, ''E. olmstedi'' Storer, 1842 * * Guardian darter, ''E. oophylax'' Ceas & Page, 1992 * * Finescale saddled darter or candy darter, ''E. osburni'' (Hubbs & Trautman, 1932) * * Paleback darter, ''E. pallididorsum'' Distler & Metcalf, 1962 * * Goldstripe darter, ''E. parvipinne'' Gilbert & Swain, 1887 * * Duskytail darter, ''E. percnurum'' Jenkins, 1994 * * Waccamaw darter, ''E. perlongum'' (Hubbs & Raney, 1946). * * Rush darter, ''E. phytophilum'' Bart & Taylor, 1999. * * Riverweed darter, ''E. podostemone'' Jordan & Jenkins, 1889 * * Mexican darter or Chihuahua darter, 'E. pottsii'' Girard, 1859 * * Cypress darter, ''E. proeliare'' (Hay, 1881) * * Egg-mimic darter, ''E. pseudovulatum'' Page & Ceas, 1992 * * Stippled darter, ''E. punctulatum'' Agassiz, 1854 * * Firebelly darter, ''E. pyrrhogaster'' Bailey & Etnier, 1988 * Genus ''Etheostoma'' (cont.) * * Orangebelly darter, ''E. radiosum'' Hubbs & Black, 1941 * * Kentucky darter, ''E. rafinesquei'' Burr & Page, 1982 * * Alabama darter, ''E. ramseyi'' Suttkus & Bailey, 1994 * * Yazoo darter, ''E. raneyi'' Suttkus & Bart, 1994 * * Bayou darter, ''E. rubrum'' Raney & Suttkus, 1966 * * Rock darter, ''E. rupestre'' Gilbert & Swain, 1887 * * Arrow darter, ''E. sagitta'' Jordan & Swain, 1883 * * Saluda darter, ''E. saludae'' Hubbs & Cannon, 1935 * * Bloodfin darter, E. sanguifluum'' Cope, 1870 * * Cherokee darter, ''E. scotti'' Bauer, Etnier & Burkhead, 1995 * * Río Salado darter, ''E. segrex'' Norris & Minckley, 1997 * * Maryland darter, ''E. sellare'' (Radcliffe & Welsh, 1913) * * ''Etheostoma sequatchiense'' Burr, 1979 * * Sawcheek darter, ''E. serrifer'' Hubbs & Cannon, 1935 * * Snubnose darter, ''E. simoterum'' Cope, 1868 * * Slabrock darter, ''E. smithi'' Page & Braasch, 1976 * * Orangethroat darter, ''E. spectabile'' Agassiz, 1854 * * Spottail darter, ''E. squamiceps'' Jordan, 1877 * * Speckled darter, ''E. stigmaeum'' Jordan, 1877 * * Striated darter, ''E. striatulum'' Page & Braasch, 1977 * * Cumberland darter, ''E. susanae'' Jordan & Swain, 1883 * * Gulf darter, ''E. swaini'' Jordan, 1884 * * Swannanoa darter, ''E. swannanoa'' Jordan & Evermann, 1889 * * Tallapoosa darter, ''E. tallapoosae'' Suttkus & Etnier, 1991 * * Shawnee darter, ''E. tecumsehi'' Ceas & Page, 1997 * * Missouri saddled darter, ''E. tetrazonum'' Hubbs & Black, 1940 * * Seagreen darter, ''E. thalassinum'' Jordan & Brayton, 1878 * * Tippecanoe darter, ''E. tippecanoe'' Jordan & Evermann, 1890 * * Trispot darter, ''E. trisella'' Bailey & Richards, 1963 * * Tuscumbia darter, ''E. tuscumbia'' Gilbert & Swain, 1887 * * Current darter, 'E. uniporum'' Distler, 1968 * * Variegate darter, ''E. variatum'' Kirtland, 1838 * * Striped darter, ''E. virgatum'' Jordan, 1880 * * Glassy darter, ''E. vitreum'' Cope, 1870 * * Wounded darter, ''E. vulneratum'' Cope, 1870 * * Boulder darter, ''E. wapiti'' Etnier & Williams, 1989 * * Redfin darter, ''E. whipplei'' Girard, 1859 * * Banded darter, ''E. zonale'' Cope, 1868 * * Backwater darter, ''E. zonifer'' Hubbs & Cannon, 1935 * * Bandfin darter, ''E. zonistium'' Bailey & Etnier, 1988 * Genus ''Gymnocephalus'' (Eurasian ruffes) * * Donets ruffe, ''G. acerinus'' Güldenstädt, 1774 * * Balon's ruffe or Danube ruffe, ''G. baloni'' Holcík & Hensel, 1974 * * Eurasian ruffe, ''G. cernuus'' Linnaeus, 1758 * * Striped ruffe, ''G. schraetser'' Linnaeus, 1758 * Genus ''Perca'' (European perches) * * Yellow perch, ''P. flavescens'' (Mitchill, 1814) * * European perch, ''P. fluviatilis'' Linnaeus, 1758 * * Balkhash perch, ''P. schrenkii'' Kessler, 1874 * Genus ''Percarina'' * * Common percarina, ''P. demidoffi'' Nordmann, 1840 * Genus ''Percina'' (roughbelly darters and logperches, about 45 species) * Genus ''Romanichthys'' * * Asprete, ''R. valsanicola'' Dumitrescu, Banarescu & Stoica, 1957 * Genus ''Sander'' (pike-perches) * * Sauger, ''S. canadensis'' Griffith & Smith, 1834 * * Zander, ''S. lucioperca'' Linnaeus, 1758 * * Estuarine perch, ''S. marinus'' Cuvier, 1828 * * Walleye, ''S. vitreus'' Mitchill, 1818 * * Volga pikeperch, ''S. volgensis'' (Gmelin, 1789) * Genus ''Zingel'' * * Rhone streber, ''Z. asper'' Linnaeus, 1758 * * ''Zingel balcanicus'' Karaman, 1937 * * Danube streber, ''Z. streber'' (Siebold, 1863) * * Zingel, ''Z. zingel'' Linnaeus, 1766 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Percidae」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク