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is a Japanese anime and manga series created by Kenji Morita. The series revolves around household robot Robotan, who is created By Kan-chan and lives with an everyday Japanese family as a domestic servant and friend to the children. Like Doraemon, his good intentions don't always work out, with comic consequences. The original series was produced by Daiko Advertising. Production moved to Tokyo Movie Shinsha for the 20th-anniversary color remake ''New Robotan'' (1986) under director Masaharu Okuwaki. ==Plot== Robotan is a robot made by a school boy named Kan-chan, a nerd. He has special abilities like "Robotan Copter", "Robotan Punch" etc. His arch Rival is Botchi, a small kid who dislikes Robotan and makes several plans to destroy him or make him a slave, but Robotan destroys all his plans. He has also a little crush on his teacher, Umi. He is very fond of bananas which gives him power. His male mentor Uminoyamais also in love with Umi, at which Robotan is angered.
抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Robotan」の詳細全文を読む
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