Seburikoko is a Rwandan Comedy TV Series created by Misago Nelly Wilson who produce it through (Inyarwanda Ltd )’s production Company, Afrifame Pictures. The 15-minutes episode series airs on (Rwanda Television (RTV) ) every Monday and Thursday at 6:45 PM (4:45PM GMT) from March 2015. The series will be comprised by 4 seasons which are co-written by Mutiganda Janvier and the Series’ creator Misago Nelly Wilson and directed by Jones Kennedy Mazimpaka with the post production handled by Samples Studios. It stars an ensemble cast comprised by a Rwandan celebrated comedian Gratien Niyitegeka as a title character Seburikoko, Antoinette Uwamahoro as his wife Siperansiya, Erneste Kalisa, Ngabo Leo, Muhutukazi Mediatrice (known for her role in Rwandan radio soap opera Urunana as Kankwanzi), among many. 〔()〕 == Synopsis == SEBURIKOKO recounts a story of a man called Seburikoko who calls himself SEBU due to the reputation he feels in himself as the rich man in the neighborhood of a fictional village of Gatoto. Nothing of help he does for his family as he spends all the time out drinking, selling out home possessions bought by his wife Siperansiya who does everything to feed the family. Their only one child Mutoni, whom they didn’t be able to put in school, has dropped out to Kigali to seek for a new life. The time comes when she decides to come back home for the war against his father. Will they change him? 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「SEBURIKOKO」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク