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Sabere : ウィキペディア英語版

Developed in 2014, the (Sabere ) (available for computers and as an app for mobiles) is a public virtual learning environment that favors / facilitates interaction between students and teachers from different levels of education (primary or higher). The environment consists of chat rooms, one for each area of basic knowledge. The platform was developed initially so that students could ask questions with specialist teachers. By being public, any user can register, regardless of age. The environment is registered in Brazil Platform and follows all the ethical guidelines of the University Council to which the project is linked.
The project
The Sabere is part of a doctoral research by Hadinei Ribeiro, guided by Dr. Cecilia Mollica and linked to the Post-graduate program of the Faculty of Language of the UFRJ (Uniersidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) - POSLING. The survey began in mid-2013 informally, and, in 2014, became part of the program's research framework.
Project Development
The initial research interest was to build megacorpora (in Corpus Linguistics terms) from virtual environment with strict control of the social profile of users, in order to support academic research in different areas, especially studies of the language. To this end, the researchers involved developed a virtual tool (later named Sabere) to carry out collection of virtual interactions between teachers and students. Initially, the room had only specific rooms to meet the disciplines of basic / primary education. After an update was available the option to the user to create new rooms, public or private, in order to meet specific study groups. Currently, Sabere has undergone several updates in order to expand the tool to meet other demands. The latest available to users working with textual productions. Students, authorized by teachers, are able to produce texts of different genres, which are reviewed in accordance with the predetermined descriptors by the MEC program.
The Sabere and social indicators
The platform, in addition to serving as a complementary tool to basic education, monitors the social profile of users. It is controlled, so far, a wide range of social variables, listed from exhaustive research on social identity and identifying features, discussed in detail in (MOLLICA & BATISTA, 2014).
The Sabere and data analysis tool
Linked to Sabere, there is a virtual environment, called space of researcher, from which various reports are generated from data collected in the environment. All reports allow crossings with any social variable controlled by the system. The results allow to assess the frequency of items for statistical tests as well as control of speech turns or other speech data for qualitative investigation. Thus, the environment lends itself to qualitative / quantitative research base for both studies on the language, especially those who exploit the social profile of the users, as studies in other areas of academic knowledge.
Searches with Sabere
The sabere has allowed the publication of research on the use of language. The latest, published in CYBERCORPORA E INOVAÇÃO com práticas de ensinagem (BATISTA, 2015 in MOLLICA et al, 2015), shows the difference in construction of discursive markers and engagement strategies in chatrooms by heterosexual users.
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↑ BATISTA, Hadinei Ribeiro ; MOLLICA, Maria Cecília ; NASCIMENTO, Habner C. SABERE. Tema: Ambiente Virtual Público de Aprendizagem Informal e construção de bigdata para pesquisa acadêmica. (Rede social). 2015.
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抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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