''Sheeep'' was a short lived animated television series that aired on CBBC, within the United Kingdom. The show followed the adventures of three sheep called Georgina, Gogol and Hubert who often end up thwarting the scheme of the wolves or even Moze's companions mess them up. ==Characters== *Georgina (Voiced by Julia Sawalha) - A female sheep who has a rather bossy, domineering personality. She sometimes appears to be the self elected leader of the three and is often too keen to put her opinions forward. Also she mistrusts wolves more than anyone. She lives a flock of sheep in 'Green Meadow'. *Gogol (Voiced by Enn Reitel) - He is the intellectual of the little group and seems to be the only sheep who spends most of his time in the city. He drives a car, owns a house and has a job as a photographer. *Hubert (Voiced by David Holt) - The quietest and most modest of the flock; he seldom speaks and lives in 'Green Meadow' with sister Georgina. *Moze - The devious planner of bad schemes for the wolves' benefit. Wears a black and red striped neck tie and sunglasses. *Spike - One of Moze's sidekicks. Wears a green bow tie and sunglasses. *Gotcha - Moze's other sidekick. Wears a blue bandana. *Kid - Gotcha's little sister. She says nothing, she just licks a lollipop and doesn't involve herself in the wolves' schemes. Wears a green and blue striped skirt and hair bow. *Mumsie (Voiced by Rob Rackstraw) - Moze's mother 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Sheeep」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク