Super-Turtle (or Super Turtle) is a fictional character from DC Comics, created by Henry Boltinoff; he's depicted as a bipedal anthropomorphic turtle wearing a cape like Superman's. His emblem, which is on his cape, is a letter T in a shield. ==Publication history== Created to be a lighthearted parody of Superman, Super-Turtle appeared mostly in one-page comic stories in Silver Age comic books, starting in ''Adventure Comics'' #304 (January 1963). An accepted part of DC Comics history, Super-Turtle tends to show up once in a while in one form or another; e.g., a Super-Turtle figure hangs from the ceiling of the Planet Krypton restaurant in ''Kingdom Come'', and he had a cameo appearance in the one-shot ''Superman and Batman: World's Funnest''. Two one-page Super-Turtle stories were created for and appeared in the 2000 ''Silver Age'' series. His most recent comic book appearance was in issue #3 of the 2008 miniseries ''Ambush Bug: Year None'', in which he plays a role like the one Superboy-Prime played in ''Infinite Crisis''; after living in limbo with Kal-L and company, Super-Turtle (who now calls himself Clark Kent) starts destroying anyone he considers to be a phony Super-Turtle, including Bat-Mite and Connor Kent. Super-Turtle makes a cameo in the final issue of ''Batman: The Brave and the Bold'' as Batmite is upset of the comic's cancelation and states several missed crossover opportunities including Super-Turtle.〔''Batman: The All New Brave and The Bold'' #16〕 Super-Turtle has since appeared in ''Sleepy Time Crime'' from Capstone Publishing's DC Super-Pets line of children books. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Super-Turtle」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク