Thirumanancheri (Thiru Manam Cheri) is a village located near Cauvery River in Nagapattinam district as per HolyIndia.Org/Temple/Thirumanancheri. The village name comes from the god Shiva. Thirumanam mean marriage; cheri denotes a village or hamlet. Shiva married Parvathi at this place so the village is called marriage (Thirumanancheri). Sri Kalyanasundareswarar swamy Temple Thirumanancheri is one among the popular temples of Lord Shiva, which resides in Nagai District, Mayiladuthurai Taluk, Near Kuttalam. The Nearest Railway station is Kuttalam. It is very near to Kumbakonam and Mayiladuthurai. Nearest Railway Junction is Mayiladuthurai. As per the legend. This famous temple helps to overcome the obstacles of Marriage . So many people are visiting to the temple and benefited. In the Temple, there is a special pooja for the person who seek for a nice partner. After the Marriage the Couple have to visit the temple to return or dispose the Prasatham in the Temple pond. Temple Time : 6.00am - 12.00 noon & 3.00pm - 8.00pm Railway Route : Mayiladuthurai Junction, or Kumbakonam Junction is near by. Bus Route : From Chennai, Pondhicherry - Cuddalore - Chidambaram- Mayiladuthurai - Kuttalam- Thirumanancheri. (Buses to Thirumanancheri are available from Kuttalam and Mayiladuthurai, Mini Buses are available from Kuttalam.) ==References== *thirumanancheri(. ) com * (HOLYINDIA.ORG ) *(Thirumanancheri.info ) *(THIRUMANANCHERY VILLAGE ) *(Thirumanancheri Temple ) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Thirumanancheri」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク