''Erythronium'' (fawn lily, trout lily, dog's-tooth violet, adder's tongue) is a genus of Eurasian and North American plants in the lily family.〔(Jepson Manual )〕〔(Flora of North America, Vol. 26 Page 153, ''Erythronium'' )〕〔(Flora of China Vol. 24 Page 126 猪牙花属 zhu ya hua shu ''Erythronium'' Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 305. 1753. )〕〔(Altervista Flora Italiana, Dente di cane, Dog's Tooth Violet, genere ''Erythronium'' )〕〔Clennett, J.C.B. (2006). A taxonomic revision of ''Erythronium'' L. (Liliaceae): 1-290. Thesis, Open University, Ardingly, U.K..〕〔Clennett, C. (2014). The genus ''Erythronium'': 1-158. Kew Publishing, Kew.〕 ==Species== ''Erythronium'' includes about 20–30 species of hardy spring-flowering perennial plants with long, tooth-like bulbs. Slender stems carry pendent flowers with recurved tepals in shades of cream, yellow, pink and mauve. Species are native to forests and meadows in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.〔〔(Biota of North America Program 2013 county distribution maps )〕 * ''Erythronium albidum'' Nutt. Small White Fawn-lily, White Fawn-lily, White Trout-lily - Ontario, east-central USA (MN to CT south to TX + AL) * ''Erythronium americanum'' Ker-Gawl. Trout-lily, Yellow Trout-lily, Yellow Adder's-tongue, Yellow Dogtooth Violet - eastern Canada (Ontario to Labrador), eastern USA (ME to GA, west to Mississippi River) * ''Erythronium californicum'' Purdy California Fawn-lily - northern California * ''Erythronium caucasicum'' Woronow Caucasian Dog's tooth violet - Caucasus + Iran * ''Erythronium citrinum'' S. Wats. Cream Fawn-lily - Oregon + northern California * ''Erythronium dens-canis'' L. Dog's-tooth Violet - southern + central Europe from Portugal to Ukraine * ''Erythronium elegans'' Hammond & Chambers Coast Range Fawn-lily - Oregon * ''Erythronium grandiflorum'' Pursh Dogtooth Lily, Glacier Lily, Yellow Avalanche-lily, Yellow Fawn-lily - western Canada, western USA * ''Erythronium helenae'' Applegate Pacific Fawn-lily - California (Sonoma, Napa, Lake Cos.) * ''Erythronium hendersonii'' S. Wats. Henderson's Fawn-lily - Oregon + northern California * ''Erythronium howellii'' S. Wats. Howell's Fawn-lily - Oregon + northern California *''Erythronium idahoense'' H.St.John & G.N.Jones - USA (MT ID WA) * ''Erythronium japonicum'' Decne. Katakuri - Japan, Korea, Russia (Kuril Islands, Sakhalin), China (Jilin, Liaoning) * ''Erythronium klamathense'' Applegate Klamath Fawn-lily - Oregon + northern California * ''Erythronium krylovii '' Stepanov Tuvan Trout-lily - Russia (Tuva, Krasnoyarsk) * ''Erythronium mesochoreum'' Knerr Midland Fawn-lily, White Fawn-lily - central USA (TX to NE + IN) * ''Erythronium montanum'' S. Wats. Avalanche Lily, White Avalanche-lily - BC, WA, OR * ''Erythronium multiscapideum'' (Kellogg) A. Nels. & Kennedy Sierra Fawn-lily - California * ''Erythronium oregonum'' Applegate Giant White Fawn-lily - BC, WA, California, Oregon * ''Erythronium pluriflorum'' Shevock, Bartel & Allen >Manyflower Fawn-lily - Madera Co in California * ''Erythronium propullans'' Gray Dwarf Trout-lily - Minnesota * ''Erythronium purpurascens'' S. Wats. Purple Fawn-lily - California * ''Erythronium pusaterii'' (Munz & J.T. Howell) Shevock, Bartel & Allen Kaweah Lakes Fawn-lily - Tulare Co in California * ''Erythronium quinaultense'' G A Allen Olympic Fawn-lily - Olympic Peninsula in WA * ''Erythronium revolutum'' Sm. Mahogany Fawn-lily - BC, WA, Oregon, California * ''Erythronium rostratum'' W. Wolf Yellow Trout-lily - south-central USA * ''Erythronium sajanense '' Stepanov & Stassova - Krasnoyarsk in Russia * ''Erythronium sibiricum'' (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Krylov - Siberia, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang, Mongolia * ''Erythronium sulevii '' (Rukšans) Stepanov - Altay Krai in Russia * ''Erythronium taylorii'' Shevock & G A Allen Taylor's Fawn-lily - Tuolumne Co California * ''Erythronium tuolumnense'' Applegate Tuolumne Fawn-lily - Tuolumne Co in California * ''Erythronium umbilicatum'' Parks & Hardin Dimpled Trout-lily - southeastern USA (FL to KY + WV + MD) File:Erythronium albidum NRCS-1.jpg |''Erythronium albidum'' File:Erythronium americanum_002.JPG|''Erythronium americanum'' File:Erythronium californicum_2.jpg|''Erythronium californicum'' File:Erythronium citrinum.jpg|''Erythronium citrinum'' File:Medvednica_0803.JPG|''Erythronium dens-canis'' File:Erythronium_grandiflorum_6031.JPG|''Erythronium grandiflorum'' File:Erythronium helenae 1.jpg|''Erythronium helenae'' File:Erythronium hendersonii 001.jpg|''Erythronium hendersonii'' File:Erythronium japonicum_2006_010.jpg|''Erythronium japonicum'' File:Erythronium_montanum_5926.JPG|''Erythronium montanum'' File:Erythronium oregonum 5504.JPG|''Erythronium oregonum'' File:Erythronium propullans.jpg|''Erythronium propullans'' File:Erythronium purpurascens 01.jpg|''Erythronium purpurascens'' File:Erythronium purpurascens 02.jpg|''Erythronium purpurascens'', end of blooming File:Erythronium revolutum 2156.JPG|''Erythronium revolutum'' File:Erythronium sibiricum.JPG|''Erythronium sibiricum'' 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「erythronium」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク