''Murzyn'' ((:muʐɨn)) is the most common Polish word for a black person. It is generally seen as a neutral word, 〔 while other contemporary, mostly non-Polish critics claim that it has pejorative connotations.〔 The word "previously considered neutral, is now all but banned in newspapers".〔 == Etymology, meaning, and usage == The word 'Murzyn' is derived from the same root as the English word 'moor'.〔 According to the ''Dictionary of the Polish Language'', 'murzyn' means somebody with black skin. Informally, it can also mean: # Somebody anonymously doing work for somebody else; # Somebody with a dark brown tan; # A hard working person forced to do hard labour.〔(【引用サイトリンク】 title=Murzyn )〕 ''Murzyn'' (feminine form: ''murzynka'', diminutive: ''murzynek'') can be translated into English as "black man". The normal nominative plural is ''murzyni'' (using the virile). The usage of non-virile plural for virile nouns (e.g., ''murzyny'') is seen as pejorative. 〔()〕 However, the word "Murzyn" is largely confused with the English word "Negro", without familiarizing with the fact that the socio-cultural roots of both words are significantly different. The case of comparing the Polish "Murzyn" to the English "Negro" with omitting the neutral origin and non-racist historical background of the Polish word, caused the main controversy about this word in recent years. In the opinion of Dr Marek Łaziński, it has also been associated with Shakespeare's 'noble' Othello, usually called a "moor" in English.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Czy Obama jest Murzynem? )〕 According to Łaziński the word ''murzyn'' in Polish is sometimes perceived as offensive, though many Poles would defend its use. In comparison, a direct translation of the English word "black", "czarny", does not seem better to him since it often carries negative connotations in Polish, though he feels it may eventually replace ''murzyn'' due to the influence of foreign languages on Polish. Łaziński, writing in the language advice column of the Polish dictionary, suggests that in cases where an individual may perceive ''murzyn'' to be offensive, geographic or national designations should be used.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Lista odpowiedzi )〕 According to Marcin Miłkowski, writing in 2012, the word "previously considered neutral, is now all but banned in newspapers". According to Patrycja Pirog , the word "'murzyn', which in the opinion of many Poles, including academics, is not offensive, is seen by some black people as discriminatory and derogatory."〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Murzynek Bambo w Afryce mieszka, czyli jak polska kultura stworzyła swojego Murzyna ) "Murzyn", który zdaniem wielu Polaków, w tym także naukowców, nie jest obraźliwy, uznawany jest przez osoby czarnoskóre za dyskryminujący i uwłaczający.〕 For Antonina Kloskowska, meanwhile, writing in ''"Race", ethnicity and nation: international perspectives on social conflict'', the word ''murzyn'' "does not carry pejorative connotations. Moreover, the term "black", favoured in the English-speaking countries, which is translated into Polish as "czarny" (literally meaning "black"), is also seen as non-offensive, as this word describes a color (just like the Spanish "negro" literally meaning "black color"). Poland's first black Member of Parliament, John Godson, has said that the word is not offensive and that he is proud to be called a ''murzyn''.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Czy Murzynek Bambo to rasistowski wierszyk? )〕 Mamadou Diouf, a black Polish musician and representative of the Committee for the African Community (Komitet Społeczności Afrykańskiej), has criticised Godson for his use of the word.〔 Diouf: "Myślę, że pan poseł nie zna pochodzenia słowa, o którym mowa" - "I think, that the MP doesn't know the etymology of the word".〕 Another black Polish MP, Killion Munyama, used the phrase ''sto lat za Murzynami'' ("100 years behind the ''Murzyns''") while speaking to Godson about the status of LGBT issues in Poland, characterising it as behind the times. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「murzyn」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク