In graph theory, a pseudoforest is an undirected graph〔The kind of undirected graph considered here is often called a multigraph or pseudograph, to distinguish it from a simple graph.〕 in which every connected component has at most one cycle. That is, it is a system of vertices and edges connecting pairs of vertices, such that no two cycles of consecutive edges share any vertex with each other, nor can any two cycles be connected to each other by a path of consecutive edges. A pseudotree is a connected pseudoforest. The names are justified by analogy to the more commonly studied trees and forests. (A tree is a connected graph with no cycles; a forest is a disjoint union of trees.) Gabow and Tarjan〔.〕 attribute the study of pseudoforests to Dantzig's 1963 book on linear programming, in which pseudoforests arise in the solution of certain network flow problems.〔.〕 Pseudoforests also form graph-theoretic models of functions and occur in several algorithmic problems. Pseudoforests are sparse graphs – they have very few edges relative to their number of vertices – and their matroid structure allows several other families of sparse graphs to be decomposed as unions of forests and pseudoforests. The name "pseudoforest" comes from . ==Definitions and structure== We define an undirected graph to be a set of vertices and edges such that each edge has two vertices (which may coincide) as endpoints. That is, we allow multiple edges (edges with the same pair of endpoints) and loops (edges whose two endpoints are the same vertex).〔The kind of undirected graph considered here is often called a multigraph or pseudograph, to distinguish it from a simple graph.〕 A subgraph of a graph is the graph formed by any subsets of its vertices and edges such that each edge in the edge subset has both endpoints in the vertex subset. A connected component of an undirected graph is the subgraph consisting of the vertices and edges that can be reached by following edges from a single given starting vertex. A graph is connected if every vertex or edge is reachable from every other vertex or edge. A cycle in an undirected graph is a connected subgraph in which each vertex is incident to exactly two edges, or is a loop.〔See the linked articles and the references therein for these definitions.〕 A pseudoforest is an undirected graph in which each connected component contains at most one cycle.〔This is the definition used, e.g., by .〕 Equivalently, it is an undirected graph in which each connected component has no more edges than vertices.〔This is the definition in .〕 The components that have no cycles are just trees, while the components that have a single cycle within them are called 1-trees or unicyclic graphs. That is, a 1-tree is a connected graph containing exactly one cycle. A pseudoforest with a single connected component (usually called a pseudotree, although some authors define a pseudotree to be a 1-tree) is either a tree or a 1-tree; in general a pseudoforest may have multiple connected components as long as all of them are trees or 1-trees. If one removes from a 1-tree one of the edges in its cycle, the result is a tree. Reversing this process, if one augments a tree by connecting any two of its vertices by a new edge, the result is a 1-tree; the path in the tree connecting the two endpoints of the added edge, together with the added edge itself, form the 1-tree's unique cycle. If one augments a 1-tree by adding an edge that connects one of its vertices to a newly added vertex, the result is again a 1-tree, with one more vertex; an alternative method for constructing 1-trees is to start with a single cycle and then repeat this augmentation operation any number of times. The edges of any 1-tree can be partitioned in a unique way into two subgraphs, one of which is a cycle and the other of which is a forest, such that each tree of the forest contains exactly one vertex of the cycle.〔See, e.g., the proof of Lemma 4 in .〕 Certain more specific types of pseudoforests have also been studied. :A 1-forest, sometimes called a maximal pseudoforest, is a pseudoforest to which no more edges can be added without causing some component of the graph to contain multiple cycles. If a pseudoforest contains a tree as one of its components, it cannot be a 1-forest, for one can add either an edge connecting two vertices within that tree, forming a single cycle, or an edge connecting that tree to some other component. Thus, the 1-forests are exactly the pseudoforests in which every component is a 1-tree. :The spanning pseudoforests of an undirected graph ''G'' are the pseudoforest subgraphs of ''G'' that have all the vertices of ''G''. Such a pseudoforest need not have any edges, since for example the subgraph that has all the vertices of ''G'' and no edges is a pseudoforest (whose components are trees consisting of a single vertex). :The maximal pseudoforests of ''G'' are the pseudoforest subgraphs of ''G'' that are not contained within any larger pseudoforest of ''G''. A maximal pseudoforest of ''G'' is always a spanning pseudoforest, but not conversely. If ''G'' has no connected components that are trees, then its maximal pseudoforests are 1-forests, but if ''G'' does have a tree component, its maximal pseudoforests are not 1-forests. Stated precisely, in any graph ''G'' its maximal pseudoforests consist of every tree component of ''G'', together with one or more disjoint 1-trees covering the remaining vertices of ''G''. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「pseudoforest」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク