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・ 'Igginbottom's Wrench
・ 'Ikrimah Mawlâ Ibn 'Abbâs
・ 'Ili'ili
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・ 'In Wrong' Wright
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・ 'It's Alive!'
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・ 'Malakeng
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In the
mythology of Tonga, Ilaheva Vaepopua (Ilaheva, living at Vaepopua) was a mortal woman, the daughter of Seketoa, who was a chief of Tongatapu, or perhaps a god from Niuatoputapu, or the daughter from a Niuē chief, depending on the source. All accounts, however, agree that she became the wife of Tangaloa Eitumātupua and mother of Ahoeitu, the first divine king of the Tui Tonga dynasty in Tonga, around 900 AD.
== References ==

* R.D. Craig, ''Dictionary of Polynesian Mythology'' (Greenwood Press: New York, 1989), 82;
* E.T. Gifford, ''Tongan Myths and Tales'' (Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Press, 1924), 25-8.

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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