Words near each other
・ adigo
・ adimo
・ adipatus
・ adipiscor
・ aditio
・ aditus
・ adiudico
・ adiumentum
・ adiunctio
・ adiunctor
・ adiuro
・ adiutor
・ adiutrix
・ adiuvo
・ adlabor
・ adlaboro
・ adlacrimo
・ adlapsus
・ adlatro

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翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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adiungo : ラテン語英語辞書
adiungo -iungere -iunxi -iunctum
< to join to, connect >; 'adiunctus fundus', < neighboring >; of immaterial things, < to associate, impart >; of persons, < to attach >, esp. as partner, friend, etc. Hence partic. adiunctus -a -um, < bound to, belonging to >; n. pl. as subst. < collateral circumstances >.

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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