Words near each other
・ advelo
・ advena
・ advenio
・ adventicius
・ advento
・ adventor
・ adventus
・ adversarius
・ adversor
・ adversus
・ advesperascit
・ advigilo
・ advocatio
・ advoco
・ advolo
・ advolvo
・ advors-
・ advort-
・ adytum

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adverto : ラテン語英語辞書
adverto (advorto) -vertere -verti -versum
< to turn towards >; of the senses, etc. < to direct > towards an object; esp. of the mind, 'animum' or 'mentem advertere', < to direct one's attention to, to perceive >, and of offences, < to punish >; of the object of attention, < to attract >. Hence partic. adversus -a -um, < turned towards, fronting, opposite >; 'solem adversum intueri', < to look straight at the sun >; 'adverso flumine', < against the stream >; 'venti adversi', < contrary winds >; hence, in gen., of persons and things, < opposed, unfavorable >; 'adversa valetudo', < ill health >; 'proelium', < unsuccessful >; n. as subst., < misfortune >.

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