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aequus : ラテン語英語辞書
aequus -a -um
< equal >. (1) < equal in itself, even, level >; 'ex aequo loco loqui', < to speak in the senate >; milit., 'aequa frons', < a straight line >. (2) < equal to something else >/ 'ex aequo, in aequo', < on even terms >. Transf., of places or times, < favorable, advantageous >; of battles, < even >, and so < indecisive >; of temper, < even, contented, easy >; 'aequo animo', < patiently, with resignation >; of behavior, etc., < equal, impartial >; of persons, < fair >; 'aequum est', < it is just >. N. as subst. aequum -i, < level ground; fairness, equity >. Adv. aeque, < in like manner, equally; fairly, justly >.

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