genit. -oris, compar. (superl. deterrimus) < lower, inferior, poorer, worse >. Adv. deterius, < worse >. interior -ius genit. -oris, < inner, interior; remote from the sea, inland, nearer >; in racing, < on the inside >. Transf., < more secret, more inti- mate >. Superl. intimus -a -um; q.v. Adv. interius, < more inwardly, short, not far enough >. ius (1) iuris n. < broth, soup >. ius (2) iuris n. < right, law; a court of justice; jurisdiction; right as conferred by law >; 'iure', < rightly >. pannuceus (-ius) -a -um < ragged; wrinkled, shrivelled >. ulterior -ius compar. as from ulter, < farther, more distant, more advanced, more remote >. Superl. ultimus -a -um, < most distant, farthest, extreme >; in time or succession, either < original > or < last, final >; 'ad ultimum', < to the last >; 'ultimum', < for the last time >; in rank, etc., either < highest, greatest >, or < meanest, lowest >. スポンサード リンク