Words near each other
・ stellatus
・ stellifer
・ stelliger
・ stellio
・ stemma
・ stercoro
・ stercus
・ sterilis
・ sterilitas
・ sternax
・ sternumentum
・ sternuo
・ sterquilinium
・ sterto
・ stibadium
・ stigma
・ stigmatias
・ stilla
・ stillicidium

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sterno : ラテン語英語辞書
sterno sternere stravi stratum
< to stretch out, to spread >; 'se sternere', < to lie down >; < to strike down, lay down, overthrow; to make smooth; to calm, allay; to strew, spread a thing (with something else) >; 'lectum', < to make, make up >; 'equos', < to saddle >; 'viam', < to pave >. N. of partic. as subst. stratum -i, < a coverlet, blanket; a bed; a saddle-cloth, saddle; a pavement >.

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