Words near each other
・ supersedeo
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・ superstitiosus
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・ supersum
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・ supervado
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superus : ラテン語英語辞書
superus (rarely super) -a -um
< situated above; upper, higher >; m. pl. as subst. < the gods above >; also < men on earth >; n. pl. < heights or heav- enly bodies >. Compar. superior -ius, < higher, upper >; of time, < earlier, former, past >; of rank, etc. < higher, greater >. Superl. supremus -a -um, < highest, uppermost >; in time, < last, final >; of degree, < highest, greatest >; of rank, < highest >; n. sing. as subst. < the end >; n. pl., suprema -orum, < death, funeral rites, last will and testament >. Used as another superl. summus -a -um, < highest, uppermost, at the top >; 'summa urbs', < the highest part of the city >; of the voice, < highest, loudest >; of time, < last >; of rank, etc. < greatest, highest, most distinguished >. F. as subst. summa -ae, < the highest place, the main thing, most important point; a summary, the gist, the sum total of an amount >. N. as subst. summum -i, < surface, top >; acc. as adv. < at most >. Adv. summe, < in the highest degree, extremely >.

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