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2010年コピアポ鉱山落盤事故への反応 : ミニ英和和英辞書

: [ねん, とし]
  1. (n-adv,n) year 2. age 
鉱山 : [こうざん]
 【名詞】 1. mine (ore) 
: [やま]
 【名詞】 1. (1) mountain 2. (2) pile 3. heap 4. (3) climax 5. critical point 
: [おち]
 【名詞】 1. joke punch line 
落盤 : [らくばん]
 (n,vs) cave-in
: [ばん, さら]
  1. (n,n-suf) record 2. tray 3. shallow bowl 
: [こと]
 【名詞】 1. thing 2. matter 3. fact 4. circumstances 5. business 6. reason 7. experience 
事故 : [じこ]
 【名詞】 1. accident 2. incident 3. trouble 4. circumstances 5. reasons 
: [ゆえ]
  1. (n-adv,n) reason 2. cause 3. circumstances
: [はん, たん]
  1. (n,vs,n-pref) anti- 2. opposite 3. antithesis 4. antagonism 
反応 : [はんのう]
  1. (n,vs) reaction 2. response 

2010年コピアポ鉱山落盤事故への反応 : ウィキペディア日本語版

コピアポ鉱山落盤事故では、チリ共和国コピアポ近郊のサンホセ鉱山で起き、崩落によって、32人のチリ人と1人のボリビア人が700mの深さの地下に取り残され、救出には69日を要した。〔"First miner surfaces after 69-day ordeal in Chilean mine" - Copyright © 2010 DAP-NEWS. All Rights Reserved.〕
== 政治的な反応 ==

=== チリ ===
チリ大統領セバスティアン・ピニェラと夫人のセシリア・モレールは救出に立ち会い、鉱山から助け出された作業員一人一人に声をかけた〔。ボリビア大統領エボ・モラレスもその場に駆けつけたが、ボリビア人作業員カルロス・ママニの救出には間に合わなかった〔Chilean miners rescue – part 1 The Guardian, 13 October 2010.〕。救出後に行われたピニェラのヨーロッパ訪問の際には、救出成功の知らせを聞いた女王エリザベス2世に招待され、ピニェラは女王に謁見する機会を得ることになった。ピニェラは鉱山の岩を女王に贈った〔Chilean President Sebastian Pinera sees London sights , BBC News, 17 October 2010〕。
After all the miners were rescued, Piñera gave a speech on location in which he was effusive in his praise of Chile and said he was "proud to be the president of all Chileans." He invoked Chile's recently passed bicentennial celebrations and said the miners were rescued with "unity, hope and faith." He also thanked Chávez and Morales, amongst others for their call for support. He said those who forced the rescue, i.e., those responsible for the collapse of the mine, will be punished, and said there would be a "new deal" with the workers.
事件はチリ国内外で関心を呼び、多くの人々が作業員を英雄視した。全員救出の後、チリ全土の消防署でサイレンが鳴らされた。In Copiapo, thousands of people cheered, danced and wept during the rescue as people chanted "Long live Chile."〔
The rescue operation was broadcast live on various news networks and international media.〔"World is captivated audience for Chile mine rescue" by Sara Hussein, Agence France-Presse - ABS.CBSnews.com, 13 September 2010; retrieved 14 October 2010.〕 The reaction from world media was enthusiastic, and the rescue made the front pages of newspapers worldwide: not only was the rescue from the greatest depth of any such operation ever, but the miners had waited to be found – let alone rescued – longer than any other survivors who had ever been in their predicament.

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)

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