Words near each other
・ telephony user interface
・ telerat
・ telescope user interface
・ telescript
・ teletype
・ teletype corporation
・ teletypewriter
・ teleuse
・ television
・ television interface adaptor
・ telnet
・ telocator alphanumeric protocol
・ telon
・ telos
・ telsim
・ template
・ template code
・ templog
・ tempo
・ temporal database

Dictionary Lists
翻訳と辞書 辞書検索 [ 開発暫定版 ]
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Telnet : FOLDOC
/tel'net/ 1. The Internet standard protocol for remote login. Runs on top of TCP/IP. Defined in STD 8, RFC 854 and extended with options by many other RFCs. Unix BSD networking software includes a program, telnet, which uses the protocol and acts as a terminal emulator for the remote login session. Sometimes abbreviated to TN. TOPS-10 had a similar program called {IMPCOM}.
2. The US nationwide network into which one dials to access CompuServe. It was created by John Goltz, one of the founders and system guru of CompuServe. He later worked for Tymshare, one of CompuServe's big competitors.
[Jargon File]

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翻訳と辞書 : 翻訳のためのインターネットリソース

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