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microprocessor (Or "micro") A computer whose entire CPU is contained on one (or a small number of) integrated circuits. The important characteristics of a microprocessor are the widths of its internal and external address bus and data bus (and instruction), its clock rate and its instruction set. Processors are also often classified as either RISC or CISC. The first commercial microprocessor was the Intel 4004 which appeared in 1971. This was the CPU member of a set of four {LSI} integrated circuits called the MCS-4, which was originally designed for use in a calculator but was marketed as "programmable controller for logic replacement". The 4004 is referred to as a 4-bit microprocessor since it processed only 4 bits of data at a time. This very short word size is due mainly to the limitations imposed by the maximum integrated circuit density then achievable. As integrated circuit densities increased with the rapid development of
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