The system checks its working memory to see if there are rules whose pre-conditions are satisfied, if so, the action in one selected satisfied rule is executed. There is a public domain implementation of an OPS5 interpreter written by Charles L. Forgy CLIPS is a language for writing expert systems, with some of the capabilities of OPS5. See also C5, OPS83, {OPS4}, {OPS5+}, OPS83. Inference Engine Tech, Cambridge MA. {An OPS5 interpreter in Common LISP (ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/mirrors/Unix-c/languages/ops5)}. {A version by Mark Kantrowitz (ftp://ftp.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mkant/Public/Lisp/)}. ["Programming Expert Systems in OPS5", L. Br スポンサード リンク