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semiconductor A material, typically crystaline, which allows current to flow under certain circumstances. Common semiconductors are silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide. Semiconductors are used to make {diodes}, transistors and other basic "solid state" electronic components. As crystals of these materials are grown, they are "doped" with traces of other elements called {donors} or acceptors to make regions which are n- or p-type respectively for the electron model or p- or n-type under the hole model. Where n and p type regions adjoin, a junction is formed which will pass current in one direction (from p to n) but not the other, giving a diode. One model of semiconductor behaviour describes the doping elements as having either {free electrons} or holes dangling at the points in the crystal lattice where the doping elements replace one of the atoms of the foundation material. When external electrons are applied to n-type material (which
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